Evan Money Sept./Oct. 2018

The husband, let’s call him Carl, may come from a home where his mom and dad stayed married, however, like most men, Carl has his father-son issues to deal with. Carl’s dad was just like mine: a structural engineer by day, finding all the faults in the airplane wings his company manufactured. When Carl’s dad got home at night, he would immediately start finding faults in everything his son did, thinking he was helping him “improve.” The only thing Carl’s dad was doing was telling him, over and over again, “You’re not good enough.” Carl also lives in a busy American city and he has been exposed to millions of ads telling him he isn’t man enough unless he drinks this kind of beer, drives this kind of car or truck, or wears this kind of watch. The product is irrelevant but the message is the same: Unless you have this product and more of it, you’re not good enough. It’s all a giant lie! The only way to combat a lie is with the truth! With God you are good enough. You were made in His image; it doesn’t get better than that! Join me and a special group of entrepreneurs who want to live Life to the Full and Grow, Thrive, and Revive! If you’re married, I will personally underwrite the cost so you can bring your spouse for free! The first five people who email spouse@evanmoney.com will be eligible.

taking the delayed approach, the unintended message he sent to Cindy was, you guessed it, you’re not good enough. If she was good enough, he would have married her sooner. Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant; it’s true to Cindy, and the damage is catastrophic as well as long-lasting. All of this adds up to a low self-image for Cindy — exactly where the enemy wants people to be. The reason is that people with a low self-image don’t want to change or grow is because it makes them feel not good enough all over again. Do you see this vicious trap? This is why, when a couple comes to one of our breakthrough seminars, the man may be taking extensive notes and appear excited to change, grow, and take action on what he has learned, while his wife is withdrawn and somewhat depressed. She is fighting the lie that she’s not good enough. She knows the skills and tools she has learned will help skyrocket the joy and passion in their marriage. Yet she is paralyzed by the lie of you’re not good enough, so she is spiraling down while her husband is spiraling up. He can’t figure out what’s gotten into her and why there is so much resistance. The reverse is also true in many homes. The wife may be gung-ho on all she has learned from my bride at one of our life-changing marriage events, and the husband is chained to the lie that asks this question: How come I’m never good enough for you? Wisdomource From the PROVERBS 15:23 “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth …” How are you? Fine, okay, hanging in there. When asked this question, I normally shock the person asking by my reply: “I’M TREMENDOUS!” The reason I answer this way is because I have JOY by the answer of my mouth! Because it’s my choice. But what if things aren’t going great? The simple truth is that there is always something to be excited about, even if it’s just your ability to talk. There are many people in this world who can’t hear or even speak. Think about that and count your blessings one by one.

... continued from cover

The purpose of your business is to serve the lifestyle you want, not the other way around. Too many people get confused and feel like they have to keep building or keep scaling up in order to be successful. J. S. Bryan said, “Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a family.” I encourage you to join me and be one of the few who chose to Live Life to the Full and thrive not only in your business but also in your health and relationships. The simple truth is “All things are possible for him who believes,” Mark 9:23. All means all, but it will require some intentional living and a focus on harmony instead of the balanced lie. Oops, I’m getting ahead of myself; I’ll share more about that in the next issue.

For now, I challenge you to stop and take a new look at your life. Are you leaving the

legacy you want in your marriage? How about the intentional time you spend with your kids? Lastly, are

you leaving the legacy of good health? Now is the time to take action and change. You can do it.



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