A La Carte
Anytime mixed nuts $5 per person $4 per person individual bags of popcorn chips &salsa
B everages Royal Cup ® freshly brewed coffee $52 per gallon Steep ® herbal teas $52 per gallon coffee, Steep ® herbal teas, soda & bottled water $12 per person (all day) coffee, St ep ® herbal teas, soda & bottled water $8 per person (half day) hot cocoa $3 each assorted sodas & bottled water $3 each individual chilled juice $4 each iced tea, punch or lemonade $35 per gallon Red Bull $5 each
$3 each $3 each $42 per dozen
individual bags of chips
freshly baked cookies
$42 per dozen $3 each
chocolate brownies
assorted candy bars
$37 perdozen
assorted ice cream bars
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