"Men are God’s Methods”
Many would have been dismayed at the thought of such an undertaking in a community whose entire business structure has been paralyzed by the depression and in a mid-city Church whose membership was composed of sincere Christians of modest means and whose services were largely attended by men and women in the ranks of the un employed. Moreover the church had already assumed obligations which in cluded the support of 27 missionaries. These considerations never seem to have occurred to Pastor Talbot. His reliance is on prayer, and he po ssesses an unwavering faith in a living God who undertakes for His people. He was convinced that the purchase, even at this unpropitious moment, was the right move for the Church to make in order to preserve for Christian wor ship the strategic central location in which the building stands. H e was deter
mined to hold this spot as a permanent witness for God among the unsaved of Los Angeles in these dark days of unbelief and apostasy. In fact he has acted all along as one who has received ample assur ance of success and was without foreboding of failure when he opened his call for funds. H ow the great sum was raised through the ordi nary church services and Sunday afternoon meet ings, and the whole drama of human faith and divine blessing it involved, will be told in detail by Pastor Talbot himself in our September issue. It is the stirring story of sacrificial giving by pray ing Christians for their Church. Yet the blessing will extend much farther. The portion of the debt assumed by the Church will greatly relieve the B ible I nstitute of Los A ngeles of the burden it has long been bearing alone and, with moderate additions for operation, will enable it to carry for ward its educational and evangelistic work. But to understand it fully you must read Mr. Talbot’s article in the September issue of T he K ing ’ s B usi ness . Advance orders for extra numbers should be sent in as soon as possible.
W ILL HEAR m u c h re o f th e m an l o s e portrait is shown above, for he trusts God, undertakes boldly, and accomplishes his objectives. You are looking at a recent photograph of Rev. Louis T . Talbot, Pastor of the C hurch of the O pen D oor and Acting President of the B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles . During the past seven weeks, he has been the leader in what has proved to be probably the most remarkable adventure of faith and prayer conducted in recent years by any of the Christian churches of America. W e refer to the successful effort just com pleted by the C hurch of the O pen D oor for the raising of funds to purchase its Church home, the auditorium building of the Bible Institute block at Sixth and Hope Streets, Los Angeles. The price required by the banks who hold the mortgage on the Institute property was $350,000.00 for the conveyance of the Church building. The “ down payment” was fixed at $25,000.00; the date for settlement was set for July 15th this year.
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