King's Business - 1933-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1933

e c A World Religion for a World Church under a World Head!

master and reform the world” —as if “ he that cometh from heaven [and] is above all” (John 3 :31) were incom­ petent ! As He that crushed the gates o f death and hell— as He that ascended to a seat on the right hand o f the Most High—as He “ who is the image o f the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature”— as He by whom “ were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers”— as He who “ is before all things and by whom all things consist”—as He who “ is the head o f the body, the church”—as He “ who is the begin­ ning, the firstborn from the dead”— as He who is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, “ that in all things he might have the preeminence”— as He who alone “made peace by the blood o f his cross”— as He who is able “ to reconcile all things unto himself . . . whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven” (Col. 1 :15-20)— as HE, I say, from His throne above looks down upon this assemblage o f pygmean traitors in locked embrace with the powers of darkness, attempting to “ develop a new dynamic, competent to master and reform the world”— what must HE be thinking? How can He withhold His hand from grasping immediately the bridle rein! O Thou Christ o f the cross, Thou Christ o f the church, Thou Christ o f the crown— come down! And what must the Holy Ghost think o f this unholy “ Fellowship’® t h e Holy Ghost who guided the pen o f in­ spiration to write: “ Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness: and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel ? and what agreement hath the temple o f God with idols: for ye are the temple o f the living God . . . wherefore, come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing” (2 Cor. 6:14-17). What do we think? W e think that “ the great whore . . . THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOM I­ NAT IONS OF TH E E ARTH ” (Rev. 17:4, 5) is making her debut, and that she is no longer entitled even to be called “ M Y STERY .” W e think that the only thing yet to do is to push out onto the platform o f this “ Fellowship o f the Faiths” “ the image o f the BEAST ” ! (Rev. 13:1- 17). Leave it to these “ reverend” gentlemen to do the rest! W H A T GOD HATH WROUGHT IN CHINA [Continued from page 257] carefully read after the evangelists had gone. As a result of this visit, he began to attend the services regularly and tarried after the services to inquire from the evangelists regarding various questions and perplexities that were in his mind and to seek light on things that he did not under­ stand. Mr. Li and his friend repeated their visits to the home o f Mr. Chou, where his wife and mother also became interested. A fter a short time, the three people, the mother, .the son, and his wife, all accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. They have established family worship in their home and their hearts are full o f joy. What a wonderful message we have! What marvelous power there is in the Word o f G od ! And what a privilege it is to carry this message into the homes o f the people who have never heard it before, and to see the glorious results wrought by the Holy Spirit!

A supersupiremacy over the souls o f men, however, is not altogether easy o f attainment. The way for it is to be paved by the paganization of the Christian faith. Is it not plainly written o f “ the day o f Christ” and “ our gathering together unto him” that “ that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man o f sin be revealed, the son o f perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple o f God, shewing him­ self that he is God” ? (2 Thess. 2 :3 ,4 ). Apostasy— then the Antichrist! Centralization o f authority is the Utopia toward which organized Christianity is rapidly heading. The fever of federation is in the religious, as well as in the political atmosphere. Throughout all Christendom, accommoda­ tions and adjustments are being made so that all our denom­ inational differences may be swept aside for the sake of a united “ world church.” Such a union is declared to be in harmony with the spirit of Christ— ideal and glorious— “ without narrowness” or “ prejudice.” “ All men are to be brothers.” And the suggested union is already going far beyond a union o f mere so-called “ Christian forces.” A “ World Religion for a World Church” is the real Utopia o f modernism—an ideal that evidently was not far from the minds o f those “ Christian” laymen, who, Rethinking Missions, would float the imperial banner o f the divine Christ o f the living God on common ground with the pagan flags o f Confucius and Buddha, as well as the bloody ban­ ners of Mohammed and the filthy rags o f Hinduism. “ The Fellowship of the Faiths” And what a spectacle for men and angels to behold, America is soon to see! “ The greatest parliament o f reli­ gions ever held” is about to assemble. Breaking the prece­ dent o f a thousand years, the dark-skinned head o f the orthodox Hindus, Jagadguru Shri Shankaracharya, Dr. Kurtakoti, holding spiritual sway over two hundred mil­ lions o f people, with a coterie o f twenty Hindu priests, all dressed in their flowing white robes, carrying with them the implements o f their heathen rites, is to leave India for Chicago. He comes at the express invitation o f Bishop Francis J. McConnell, head o f the New York Area o f the Methodist Episcopal Church, and ringleader in the Federal Council o f the Churches o f Christ in America. Bishop McConnell has invited to join this “ Fellowship o f Faiths,” as he calls it, “ Christian and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Moslem and Buddhist, Brahmin and Humanist, Sikh and Jain, and members o f others o f the faiths which engage men’s religious and speculative interests.” On a Sunday in the middle o f June, the initial ceremonies of this “ Fellow­ ship” were held in a New England Church in Chicago. Kadarnath Das Gupta, o f India, general executive o f the “ Fellowship,” chanted in Sanskrit an ancient invocation from Rig Veda, while addresses were given by Dr. Fred­ erick J. Libby, o f Washington, D.C. (Protestant) ; Maude Ballington Booth o f the Volunteers o f America; Patrick J. Callahan (Romanist, and Vice-Chairman o f the “ Fellow­ ship” ), o f Louisville; and Rabbi William H. Fineschriber, o f Philadelphia. Following these, there comes to the plat­ form this summer a long list o f notables, believers o f all faiths and no faiths— daily sessions to culminate in three weeks o f sweet and loving fellowship, August 27 to Sep­ tember 17! It is to be one great union o f educational, phil­ anthropic, social, economic, national, political, as well as religious faiths, in one supreme “ effort,” as Bishop McCon­ nell confesses, “ to help . mankind to develop a new spiritual dynamic, competent to master and reform the world.” “ A new spiritual dynamic,” indeed ! "Competent to

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