August, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus. No one book could tell all about Him. In Matthew we see Him as a King, in Mark as a Servant, in Luke as the Son of man, and in John as very God. May the Lord bless each one o f you as you read through the Gospel of Luke and learn new and precious things about your Saviour, the Lord Jesus.
Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock
How to Join the K .Y .B . Club T O become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John. You may read this from your own Bible or from a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been satisfactorily read, and a statement sent to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday- school teacher, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be sent. When Sunday-school classes or clubs order a quantity of Gospels or pins exceeding the number of ten, we have thought they might like to contribute something to ward the supply of the same, as the Lord directs. The cost of the Gospels, including the cost of postage and mailing, is about five cents; of the pins, without post age, two cents. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Ad dress: Junior Dept, of THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.
No doubt most o f you boys and girls have at some time seen a copy o f Holman Hunt’s picture o f Christ knocking at the door of a cottage. Weeds have grown about the door, yet He stands there knock ing. When this picture was first painted, some one looked at it and said, “Why, there isn’t any latch painted on the door.” “Ah,” said Holman Hunt, “the latch is there, but on the inside.” The Lord Jesus is knocking at the heart’s doors of boys and girls today. He longs to come into your heart to be your Saviour. His arms are full o f precious gifts—gifts that money cannot buy. He longs to give you the gift of everlasting life. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift o f God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6 :23)Sthe gift o f peace and joy that comes in knowing that one’s sins are forgiven. Many other gifts He longs to bestow, for He is rich in grace and love. Yes, the Lord Jesus is knocking at the heart’s door of boys and girls today—and the hand that knocks is nail-pierced. He died on the cross for us. “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died, for us" (Rom. 5 :8). But the latch o f your heart is on the inside. You will have to open the door. If you will say to the Lord Jesus ; “ Come into my heart,” He will come in and be your Saviour and give to you the precious gifts He longs to give. Won’t you let Him come in today? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). The Gospel According to Luke Most o f our Junior K ing ’ s B usiness readers have read through the Gospel ac cording to John, and some of you have asked what to read next. We will read this month the Gospel according to Luke, and will you send a signed statement when you have finished reading it? You will remember that in God’s won derful library, the Bible, there are two big divisions, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The first four books of the New Testament are called Gospels. Name them in order. These books tell the story
B y J ames W orboys “ A little ship was on the sea, It was a pretty sight— It sailed along so pleasantly, And all was calm and bright.”
Open your Bibles to Mark 4 :36. The last part o f the verse says, “And there were with him other little ships." The Lord Jesus and His disciples were in one ship setting sail on the Sea of Gali lee, and with Him were “other little ships.” What a lovely picture! As the poem says., “It was a pretty sight.” Now do you know, boys and girls, those little ships make me think o f you. Did you know that you were very much like “little ships” ? First of all, little ships are beautiful. Have you seen them sailing in and out o f a harbor? We always enjoy looking at them, don’t we ? So we love to look upon our boys and girls, and to us they are very beautiful. Surely the Lord Jesus saw their beauty when He said, “ Suffer little chil dren to come to me,” and, “Their angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven.” Little ships are useful. They carry valu able cargo—of course not so much as the larger ships, but they do their part. They make trips from one port to another, and in harbor traffic they are often able to make difficult connections. So boys and girls are useful. Boys and girls can serve the Lord Jesus, even though they are young. What would mothers do in the home without the help of the boys and girls! “Whatsoever ye do, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Little ships are often in danger. Stormy winds carry them out of their course; angry waves beat upon their sides; and contrary winds try to turn them back to their starting point. There are dangerous rocks, too, where many “ little ships” have been wrecked. Boys and girls are often in danger; bad habits, evil companions, impure reading, like the rocks and storms at sea, make wrecks o f boys and girls. Now, little ships can never reach a port by themselves, nor prove useful, nor avoid dangers. Every ship must have a captain— a captain who knows the way from harbor to harbor, who knows all about the dan gers along the way, so boys and girls need a captain to safely guide them all the way to the port of heaven. And what a Cap tain the Lord Jesus is ! I f you have re ceived Him as your Saviour, you may also claim Him as your Captain. He holds the chart and compass. He knows about all the dangers along the way, and He is able to keep you and lead you, so that you can avoid a shipwreck. He has gone all the way before, so place your life in His hands and some day, like a little ship, your Cap tain will lead you safely into the Harbor of Heaven. What a wonderful journey with such a Captain!
ed for George Smith’s transgressions, he was bruised for George Smith’s iniquities: the chastisement o f George Smith’s peace was upon him, and with his stripes George Smith was healed.” After a few moments, the captain said, “Read it again and put in my name—John Macpherson. So the boy read, “But he was wounded for John Macpherson’s trans gressions, he was bruised for John Mac pherson’s iniquities: the chastisement of John Macpherson’s peace was upon him; and with his stripes John Macpherson was healed.” The captain said, “ I do believe, and praise Him for dying for me.” Three days later, God called him to Him self, and he went home trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as His Saviour. Boys and girls, will you now find in your Bibles the verse that brought peace to the cabin boy and Captain Macpherson, and read it, putting in your own name? New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel of John, and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Blackwell, Okla.: Mrs. Ethel Koelling; Eva Nell Long; and Amanda McCtilley. Buchard, Neb.: Roberta Klein; Maxine Kune; Dwight Sloan; Wilma Van Dyke; and Charles Williams. _ T)cs Moines, la .: David D. and Eunice L. Ir vin; Leon Shanks; and Wayne Slavens. Hamden, Conn.: Marjory Butler; Helen Gor man; Jean La Plante; Doris Madison; Ruth Sad- dig; and Barbara Wright. Lima, Calif.: Cecile and Selma Clevenger. Midland City, Ala.: W illie Fred Bass; Arlie Benton; Leslie Dasinger, Jr.; Agnes and Mavis Farmer; Earl Jones; and David, and Francis Rob erson. Modesto, Calif.: Elayne Carroll; and Lorraine Rossi. Oakland, Calif.: Chester C'edarberg; Teddy Hoglund; Margaret and Raymond Johnson; Evelyn Oland; and Norma Peterson. Olympia, Wash.: Vance Julian; Dayton Leh man; Dean and Preston Long; George McBride; and Norman Thomas. Paterson, N. J.: William Ferguson. Ranks, Pa. : Miriam Hess. San Diego, Calif.: Marjorie Bock; Geraldine Johnson; Doreen Noyes; Ruth Rhodes; and Eunice Tipton. Tacoma, Wash.: Donna Mae Berry; Arline Col- lamore; Edna Firth; Gene Junor; Richard Kennis- ton; Mary Klein; Jean Reynolds; Ruth South- well; and Jack Wilbert. Vancouver, Wash.: Levonne Bruch; Jean Lar son; Ralph Monk; and Hugh and Irma Wood.
God Keep the Children God keep the children in His care, The little children everywhere; The Indian boy in the brush tepee, The yellow child across the sea; The fur-clad brothers of the snows, The black boy who through the jungle goes; And may we with our playmates here, Remember all to Him are dear, And treat them kindly o f every land, Who make with us one children’s band. —M abel R eynolds M akepiece .
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