T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
August, 1933
prayer will be answered. Hannah’s prayer was not selfish; she sensed that only such a son as the one for whom she asked could call the nation back to God. The prayer being answered, she fulfilled her vow by presenting the child to the Lord for all his days. Then she offered a hymn of praise and thus glorified the Lord, because “who so offereth praise glorifieth me” (Psa. SO: IS). Lesson 8, Samuel (1 Sam. 3:1-10; 12:1- 4). This lesson tells how a testimony for the Lord can be maintained even in the most adverse circumstances. Samuel was surrounded by Eli’s unfaithfulness, the wickedness o f Eli’s sons, and the general indifference to God which marked the peo ple. But all these things could not break down his testimony or interfere with his fellowship with the Lord. Samuel was a man who put God first. Whatever his love for his nation, it was second to his love for God, and this made him faithful to the nation. Lesson 9, Saul (1 Sam. 15:13-26). This lesson tells one of the saddest stories of Scripture. Saul started well, but gradually he forgot God, became indifferent to God’s holiness, and trifled with God’s commands. He refused to be governed by the Word of God, he rejected the command of God, he rebelled against the patience of God, until finally he rejected God Himself and turned to Satan for help. Trying to curry favor by doing part of what he was commanded, he lost his kingdom and ended in a suicide’s death. Lesson 10, David (1 Sam. 16:4-13). This lesson tells how David was chosen to take Saul’s place as king. The choice was made by God, not from the outward appearance, but because of what God saw in David’s heart. Neither the father nor the brethren o f David had a thought that he would be chosen. He was not a perfect man, he made many mistakes, but the whole trend o f his life was toward God. The discipline God permitted to come to him was neces sary in preparation for his office as king. Lesson 11, Jonathan (1 Sam. 18:1-4; 20:35-42). This lesson shows the danger of continuing in any association with that which God has rejected. However, Jon athan was a man who could see what the Lord was doing, and he had courage enough to acknowledge that and yield to it. Thus he gave place to David and proved his friendship over and over again. He re minds us of the Lord’s words, “Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). Jonathan was a faith ful friend, a loyal son, and a courageous man: Lesson 12, Solomon (1 Ki. 8:1-11). This lesson sets the ark o f the covenant before us as a type of the Lord Himself. Solomon built the temple magnificently, but how ever magnificent the building, it was use less as a place o f worship until God occu pied the central place. The ark, represent ing the presence of the Lord, was given the central place in the temple, and then God accepted the temple by filling it with His presence. When God is given the central place in any life, that life will be filled with the glory o f the Lord. Lesson Questions Choose any one or all of the characters mentioned during the quarter and review their lives, using the following questions: 1. In what way was he or she great? 2. What was the underlying cause of this greatness? 3. What was his or her chief trait of character ? 4. What was the most outstanding inci dent in his or her life?
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