King's Business - 1933-07

August, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Lesson 12. “In God’s House.” O u r church is a place in which to worship God.


S P E C I A L N O T I C E To King’s Business Subscribers: Every subscriber whose subscription expiration date is prior to May, 1934*— as shown on magazine wrappers each month.—will r e c e i v e an a d d i t i o n a l month's magazine in order to carry out our promise at the time of combining our April and May, 1933, numbers. This will not of course apply to short term sub­ scriptions beginning after June 1, 1933. Circulation Manager, King’s Business. PRESENT YOUR CHURCH AN ENGRAVED INDIVIDUAL COMMUN ION SERVICE.. ■ In memory of a loved one. Our beautiful Outfits in Silver-plate, Pewter or Alum­ inum make most appropriate MEMORIAL gifts. Write for illustrated folder and our Special Offer. Thomas Communion Service Co., Box 542, Lima, Ohio Cheapest and Best A sk your dealer for Daisy Fly Killer. Placed anywhere, attracts andkillsall flies.Neat,clean /Con­ venient.Lastsall season. Made of metal.Can'tspill ortip over.Can*t soil, or injure anything. Guaran­ teed. Harold Somers, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y. D A I S Y F L Y K I L L E R 15 NAMES WANTED Addresses of S. S. teachers and others known to be readers of fundamental Christian literature such as THE KING’S BUSINESS. Your Name not mentioned; Your Reward, one of our best 128 page books—if you send 15 addresses or more, plainly written, and mention this offer. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 NORTH W ELLS STREET, CHICAGO A An Honor Christian School with the highest academic rating. Junior School from six years. Housemother. Separate building. Upper School prepares for university or business. BOTC. Every modem equipment. Catalogue, Dr. J. J. Wicker. Box A Z„ Fork Union, Virginia. A ROMAN CATHOLIC CONVERTED A fascinating story of the conversion of a Mother- Abbess through a painting of the Virgin Mary. The story is told in the complete correspondence between the Mother-Abbess and the artist. An evangelical testimony by a converted Roman Catholic. A 20-page booklet with attractive cover specially priced at 10c a copy; three copies 25c; 100 copies $7.00. Send order to CH R IST ’S M ISSIO N 130 W. 56th Street New York, N. Y.

FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 268]

ciety, and the church. I would appreciate the prayers o f our friends for an outpour­ ing of the Holy Spirit upon our church and community.” Leo Pohlman, ’22, is pastor of the First Brethren Church, South Gate, Calif. Three and a half years ago, he began a new work here. The Sunday-school now numbers be­ tween 150 and 175 each Sunday. Souls are being saved almost every week. When asked regarding his plans for the future, Mr. Pohlman replied: “ Continue in this ministry until the Lord comes I” Vena Howard, ’22, is teaching in Bowie, Ariz. Ella Grauer, ’26, Anaheim, Calif., has been working among the Jews, under the direction of the Presbyterian Board. She has complete charge of the girls’ work and reports that many have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Statia L. Mobley, ’30, is living in Los Angeles, witnessing for the Lord in jails and missions. In a list of the office helpers of the Bib­ lical Research Society, o f which David L. Cooper is the president and superintendent, the names o f the following appear: Aurora L. Fluker, ’24, Grace E. MacPher- son, and Theresa M. Gustafson. The field representatives include several Bible In­ stitute associates, among them Howard W . Kellogg and William H. Pike. The pur­ pose o f the organization, located at 4417 Bernice St., Los Angeles, is “to produce and distribute sound and scholarly gospel literature, sympathetic toward Jewish feel­ ings and uncompromisingly loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Sixteen Jewish mis­ sions in America and other lands are using the society’s literature which is furnished to them free, except for transportation charges. Approximately 19,000 books have been mailed to Jews direct from headquar­ ters. The society is a work o f faith, sus­ tained by the prayers and the gifts of the lovers o f Israel. New Officers The Alumni officers elected in June, 1933, to serve for the ensuing year are: Presi­ dent, William G. Graves, ’27; Vice-Presi­ dent, William E. Kliewer, ’22; Secretary, Helen J. White, ’20; and Treasurer, Pearl Piatt, ’30. Born To Mr. and Mrs, J. Fred Saunders (Gladys Correll, ’24), twin sons, James Stewart and George Gordon, June 12, Long Beach, Calif. To William B. ( ’26) and Mrs. Weight- man (Eva Rose Pauls, ’27), a daughter, Velva Jeanne, May 12, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Julius Koehler, ’21, and Anna Lewis, ’28, June 10, Chadron, Nebr. Mr. Koehler is a missionary of the American Sunday School Union. Harry Anderson and Sara Penner, ’29, June 18, Los Angeles, Calif. Frank J. Martens, ’29, and Mary Lou Karber, ’33, June 25, Shafter, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Martens are looking forward to missionary service in Africa. Daniel G. Berg, ’30, and Esther K. Suderman, ’31, July 2, Shafter, Calif.

5. What spiritual significance attaches to this person’s life? 6. What were his or her weaknesses? 7. The study of which character has helped you most, personally? Why? Golden Text Illustration “ Finally, my brethren, be en-dynamited in the Lord.” At America’s Keswick, the Rev. Gordon Watt, having given the above translation of Ephesians 6 :10, told the following gripping story from his own experience during the Welsh revival. With a party o f workers, he met John Jones, a laborer on the railway track. Invited to at­ tend a church whose steeple was visible in the distance, John Jones replied, “I would not even pass the door of that church. Why, God Almighty’s down there, and I ain’t fit to meet God Almighty.” Perceiving that Satan was seeking to keep this man from Christ, the party got down upon their knees and wrestled for his soul with God, while the man himself, mightily convicted, rolled upon the ground and writhed in agony o f soul over this unexpected meeting with “ God Almighty.” The man was saved, and became an “en- dynamited” worker in the revival. Are we powerful with God for men like that? - ^ S elected . Friend« from God’s Book R e v ie w Memory Verse: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” (Psa. 56:3). Lesson 1. “ God Helping Joshua." A l­ though every one else was afraid, Joshua trusted in God. Lesson 2. “A Truthful Soldier." God rewarded Caleb because he was faithful and true. Lesson 3. “ God Helping Deborah." Deb­

orah was a powerful judge, but she gave God the praise. Lesson 4. “ God’s Good Gifts." We shou l d use G o d ’ s g i f t s o f food as Daniel did. Lesson 5. “ G o d Helping G id eon ." G o d ’ s m i g h t is g r e a t e r than the strength of g r e a t armies.

" A R E Y O U L O N E L Y ? " The message of youth comradeship in Christ. Send stamp for your free copy to CHRISTIAN COMRADES 3417 Tuxedo Ave., — Cleveland, Ohio

Lesson 6. “ God’s Gift o f Friends.” God will honor those who love their friends. Lesson 7. “ God’s Gift o f Mothers.” Han­ nah loved God above all else. Lesson 8. "Samuel Talking to God." Samuel was great because he learned to listen to God. Lesson 9. “ Learning to Obey." We must obey God. Lesson 10. “A Shepherd Boy.” God can use us for great things if our hearts are pure. Lesson 11. "New Friends." Friendship must be unselfish.

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