August, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
precious, and the truth as precious, but let us remember the apostle Peter’s words, “the trial of your faith, which is much more precious than gold, though it be tried with fire.” Is there anything for any o f us that, in view o f a definite divine promise on which we have cast anchor, threatens to remove the anchor and to strain our faith ? Do not merely wish it over. The trial of your faith, if it leads you simply to believe, is precious in itself. —H andley C. G. M oulé . Cling to the Living One, Cling in thy woe ; Cling to the Loving One, Through all below; Cling to the Pardoning One, He speaketh peace; Cling to the Healing One, Anguish shall cease. —H enry B ennett . SEPTEMBER 11 “He that kindles the fire shall surely make restitution” (Ex. 22:6). A very large proportion o f the disas trous forest fires that lay waste our wood lands is caused by careless motorists who flip lighted matches from their cars as they speed along, or the still burning stubs of cigars or cigarettes. They light upon dry leaves or dry grass, and at once we have wildfire, which rages perhaps for days, burns over many square miles of lovely and valuable forest, and possibly destroys houses and human lives. Such fires, by the way, are common in life, and they are not all confined to ma terial affairs. Careless words and ill-na tured remarks often cause horrible con flagrations in society. Sneers and ridicule, taunts and innuendoes, not to speak of more serious lies and slanders, burn for months and years, and destroy characters and happiness. We should be strenuously heedful of what we toss out of our life automobiles.—A mos R. W ells . SEPTEMBER 12 “ They which receive abundance o f grace . . . shall reign in life" (Rom. 5:17). A present dispensation of grace is like a good meal, or a penny in one’s pocket, which will serve for the present necessity, but will the same penny also, without a supply, supply my wants today? The day of grace is the day o f expense; this is our spending time. Hence we are called pil grims and strangers in the earth; that, is, travelers from place to place, from trial to trial. Now, as the traveler at the fresh inn is made to spend fresh money, so Chris tians, at a fresh temptation, are made to spend a new supply o f grace. “ Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” —J ohn B unyan . SEPTEMBER 13 “I f ye be Chrisfs, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:29). He who for you has overcome your en emy, so that you need not be defeated as long as you hold on to the Conqueror—He who is the seed of Abraham, and the source o f every blessing for every nation of the world, blessing for your past, present, and future—is also the promised King who will now be King in all hearts that will crown Him and kiss Him. “Kiss the Son.” Do you know what that means? It is the kiss of homage that acknowledges Him King. It is the kingship of Christ that the living church wants today more than anything else; and remember, without the kingship
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