King's Business - 1933-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1933

upon the cold altars of our hearts, to make them flame and glow within us until the world can feel the light and heat. Then in that buoyant hopefulness, that calm and undisturbed peace, the world will see the manifestation of something beyond it, and will come again, as it always did, asking the reason for the hope that is in us. — T h e B r it is h W e e k l y . SEPTEMBER 25 “ Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt. 6:11). We come to the part o f the Lord’s prayer which concerns the need of man. Are there not some Christian people who have never got higher in this petition, than to think only of the bodily needs ? Can that exhaust the Lord’s meaning? Does not the soul occupy the greater, the more important, part in our Lord’s mind? Must not our Lord’s eye have been upon that, not exclud­ ing the body, indeed? “ Seek ye first the kingdom o f God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Surely it is the provision for the soul that the Lord has chiefly in mind. And what does it mean? The food of the soul—it is Christ. “ Give us this day” the food that the soul must partake o f if it would not perish from famine. Let me feed upon Christ today. That is the thought uppermost in that petition. ■T—J. E lder C u m m in g . SEPTEMBER 26 “Stretch forth thy hand" (Lk. 6:10). Why do W e hear so little, comparatively, o f “the obedience of faith” ? Here, in

women awakened to the great bondage of sin, and after an all-engaging struggle, they have been set at liberty by the Sav­ iour. If such a deliverance has become fact, we have something to shout about, something to declare to the praise of the Redeemer, something to sing about the rest of our days . . . Blind Bartimaeus, after he was healed, followed Jesus, giving glory to God. Simon Peter’s wife’s mother, after she was healed, went about her do­ mestic duties. . . . After the poor cripple lying at the gate Beautiful, was healed, he leaped and praised God. Peter did not re­ prove him, nor stop him, but he let him try his new strength; he had been a crip­ ple a long time.— W e s l e y a n M e t h o d is t . “O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” SEPTEMBER 22 “Little children, keep yourselves from idols’’ (1 John 5:21). Life, according to God, is in the Son, who is Himself the true God and Eternal Life. He is the center of that glorious heavenly system, the world of life, outside of which all is idolatry and death. How forceful is the warning, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” The world of which the devil is the prince and god is a huge idolatrous temple. It is from this the “babes” are exhorted to keep them­ selves, and surely the exhortation is needed in this day when even Christians are found apologizing for every kind o f worldliness down to the social and musical evening where neither the Christ of God, nor the Word of God, nor the things o f God have even a recognition. An idol is anything in­ terfering between the heart and Christ. Are we free from idolatry? — C h r is t ia n V ic t o r y . SEPTEMBER 23 “ Behold how, he loved” (John 11:36). All that Jesus did for His church was but the expansion and unfolding o f His love. Traveling to Bethlehem, I see Love incarnate. Tracking His steps as He went about doing good, I see Love laboring. Visiting the house o f Bethany, I see Love sympathizing. Standing by the grave of Lazarus, I see Love weeping. At Geth- semane, I see Love sorrowing. Passing on to Calvary, I see Love suffering, bleeding, and dying. The whole scene of His life was but an unfolding of the deep, won­ derful, and precious mystery o f “redeem­ ing love.”— R obert M u r r a y M c C h e y n e . “Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all 1” We want men who love God supremely and souls next. We want men, not only willing to do, but also to suffer, the will of God; men o f faith who can afford to des­ pise the world and look forward to the surpassing glory in store. ^SgjgrJ. H u d so n T a y l o r . SEPTEMBER 24 “ Christ in you, the hope o f glory” (Col. 1 :27). Jesus did not believe in a hermit life or a hermit church. We are here for a pur­ pose, and each has a definite vocation. It is to manifest Christ to the world. W e are not here to become critics of others, to find fault with others, least o f all to force our principles upon others from the outside by external pressure. We are here to manifest Christ to the world . . . There is a very pathetic feeling after God in the world today. We can sense it all around us. What is needed is to rekindle the fires

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