King's Business - 1933-07

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1933


FREED FROM THE CURSE [Continued from page 267] “ If the Jesus God will break the curse,” she said slowly, hesitatingly, “if we make the journey safe, then I will believe in Him.” There was no time to spare. Already Muigi was looking for her. Down the other side o f the hill Karanja led her, help­ ing her over the rocks, stopping a bare sec­ ond to bathe her cuts in the stream. All the while, he lifted his heart in prayer for strength for her weak body, prayer for protection from the wild beasts, prayer for the soul of Wanjiku. Two long days, and two more nights, they, journeyed through the hills, the val­ leys, the jungles, upheld by a super-human Power, till, early on the morning of the third day, as the hot sun came up behind the mountain, they looked down upon the tidy compound with its rough, whitewashed buildings. The Missioni came out to meet them. Karanja explained the circumstances, then turning to his sister, reminded her of her promise. The weary girl bowed herself to the ground. “Jesus, God,” she prayed, “wash away my uncleanness, and live in my heart.” She raised her head. A new look of joy had lighted her face; the heart wound was healed. Manjiku was safe—safe not only from her angry heathen clan in the far­ away village, but “safe in the arms of Jesus,” possessor o f eternal life. FROM SOLES TO SOULS [Continued from page 250] lives as were trained there was. an invest­ ment for eternity. Two overjoyed young women traveled Southward. They joined the missionary of the American Sunday School Union whose parish covers three southern California counties, from Los Angeles to the Arizona line. They assisted in Daily Vacation Bible Schools, two being held simultaneously, with evangelistic meetings in the evenings. Under a broiling sun, they walked from five to seven miles a day, visiting in iso­ lated homes unused to Christian callers, placing Christian literature (often their shoemaker friend’s Gospel portions) in hands avidly outstretched to receive it, and everywhere urging attendance upon the meetings. With what result? At Lincoln Acres, there were twenty- seven bright decisions for Christ. At Poway, there were seventeen, a whole family— father, mother, and five children— among them. At Hipass, the meeting place was crowd­ ed and the air reeked with the odor of liquor and bad tobacco. In that rough com­ pany, there were hungry hearts. Two of them, mothers o f six and ten children re­ spectively, both heavy users o f snuff, and tobacco, wept their way to the Saviour. The story is not nearly completed. The work continues, and the blessing of the Lord graciously attends it. Similar ac­ counts of God’s manifest power might be told by hundreds o f other former students of the Bible Institute, who are at work with their Lord during the summer vaca­ tion or as a full-time vocation. Few of them ever know who the silent partner was—the shoemaker, the house­ wife, the merchant, the maid—whose sac­ rifice made possible their training at the Bible Institute and their outgoing as wit­ nesses for the Lord they adore—but there is one in every case, one who passed in thought and then in action from soles to souls.

When I walk much alone; To suffer, serve my lot; When those whose feet I once did wash Me now remember not ; When lonely, cheerless is my post There make me holy most. —H. V . A n d r e w s . SEPTEMBER 28 “I have chosen you out o f the world" (John 15:19). There was a time during our Lord’s earthly ministry when great multitudes flocked about Him. From these multi­ tudes, He chose seventy men whom He sent out, two and two . . . Besides these, there were twelve men selected to be with Him almost all the time. Among the twelve were three who were with Him more constantly still, and even among the three was one who designated himself as “that •disciple whom Jesus loved.” . . . The pyra­ mid o f popularity comes to an apex as it approaches the Christ. Jesus receives some . souls into more intimate association with Him than others, not because His love is limited by anything within itself, but be­ cause these yield themselves more readily and more completely to His influence . . . They constitute a spiritual aristocracy. They are privileged to see and to hear and to experience some o f the secrets of the divine economy unknown to those who live at a greater distance from the Lord. — W e st e r n R ecorder . SEPTEMBER 29 “ The statutes of the Lord are right, re­ joicing the heart” (Psa. 19:8). The great truths of the Bible are fought because they expose sin and threaten it with punishment. Men first make ship­ wreck o f faith. A belief is to be well ex­ amined before it is discarded; a doubt is to be well scrutinized before it is encour­ aged. He who seeks honestly to be godlike will find little to stumble over in the god­ like teachings o f Jesus of Nazareth. But he who would live a sinful and selfish life may well desire to believe that there is no God, no life beyond, and no judgment to come. The heart makes the theology. HE— A . T. P ie r s o n . “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out o f it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23). SEPTEMBER 30 “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits . . . who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies" (Psa. 103:2, 4). Be on the lookout for mercies. The more we look for them, the more o f them will we see. Blessings brighten when we count them. Out of the determination of the heart the eyes see. If’ you want to be gloomy, there’s gloom enough to keep you glum; if you want to be glad, there’s gleam enough to keep you glad. Say, “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Better lose count in enumerat­ ing your blessings than lose your blessings in telling over your troubles. “Be thank­ ful unto him, and bless his name.” V — M altbif . D. B a b c o c k .

1,180,000BIBLES placed by THE GIDEONS In Hotel Bedrooms for the Benefit of Those Who Travel. You are Invited to have a part in this Important work by sending a contribution to the Bible fund. $1.00 will place a Bible. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP The field of the work having now surrounded the globe, has caused the opening of membership to ALL CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN The Gideon Magazine, $1.00 per year. Write for particulars to THE GIDEONS The Christian Commercial Travelers’ A ssociation o f America, International 202 South State Street Chicago, Illinois B ILIM Folding Organs Acknowledged the best SP EC IA L M isslonary Offer B IL H O R N B R O S . 306 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago Phone VAndike 9483 ER I CK P E T ER S ON FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 730 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. verses 6 to 10, we have a priceless exam­ ple o f its value, and yet of its simplicity. . . . If the Lord had but touched that arm, the will to stretch on command would have been more natural; but this sudden call to do forthwith what the intense and uniform experience o f many years had declared hopeless—how perfect his re­ sponse as an example o f the obedience oi faith! How was it done? Did a miracu­ lous gift of faith go hand-in-hand with the command? We like to think it did. Nay, we know that all His biddings are enablings, and that any real obedience oi faith is never of self, but always His gift to he got for the asking. He longs for us to will to obey, in naked reliance on Him for power to trust Him truly.— S elected . SEPTEMBER 27 “ Be in behaviour as becometh holiness’' (Tit. 2:3). “Make me most sanctified where least seen.” Not when in Sunday robes, Amid the prayerful host; Not when with them who kindly smile, Nor who o f goodness boast; But where I am but little seen There make me holy most. When these my hands must toil, With much to test my steel, When looks and words my smile would freeze, The foe would bruise my heel; When pressed by an opposing host There make me holy most. Scripture Text Cards with your name. Also unusual things for Christians. N O V E L T Y C A R D C O . Dept. HK33, 914 No. 48th Ave., OMAHA, NEBRASKA

A Prayer Put any burden on me, Only sustain me; Send me anywhere, Only go with me; Sever every tie, but this tie That binds me to Thy service And to Thy heart.

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