T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
August, 1933
dent o f the conference to describe the depression o f the past three years? In the Scriptures, we read: “ The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein, for he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods.” The conference, however, seems to have adopted a new version which reads: “ The earth is man’s and the fulness thereof, for he found it ready made to his hand and hath established himself therein.” In other words, the Creator and Preserver o f the universe and o f men was politely left out, as though He had no interest in human affairs, or at least could not help in this “ drama o f deterioration.” And with what result? Just this: The preparatory commission of experts appointed by the league to draw up a list o f sub jects for consideration recommended that the conference work should be organized under six heads, the first of which was “ monetary and credit policy.” This first subject almost wrecked the conference so that at this writing our newspaper front page articles and editorials appear under such captions as: “ Conference Practically Wrecked” ; “ Conference Crippled but will Continue.” Is not Proverbs 3 :5 and 6 good for assemblies as well as individuals? The opening words o f the conference president, “ W e must not fail,” are pathetic in the light o f recent events. What the ultimate outcome will be, no one can definitely predict. That the conference has lost prestige and power through its first great failure is everywhere acknowledged. To the scripturally instructed Christian, all o f these events are most significant. He knows that lofty human idealism and earnest appeal fail to pry men loose from the selfishness o f which nationalism is only one form. What could be stronger as an appeal than the words o f King George: In the face of a crisis which all realize and acknowl edge, I appeal to you all to cooperate for the sake of the ultimate good of the whole world. And yet when the first problem was discussed, the delegates split so sharply that many o f them, believing it impossible to make further progress, prepared to return to their homes. Again the well-instructed Christian knows that man- is a fallen creature even though cultured and refined. He is fallen from God into self, around which his life now revolves. Being wrong at center, he will naturally be wrong at circumference. Hence discord and strife, wars and rumors o f wars may be expected to the end of the age. The instructed Christian has read in the B ook : “ Cease ye from man” ; and again: “ Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is.” The hope o f the world, as well as o f Israel and o f the church, is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ whose name has not once been mentioned in tbis conference o f nations. The true Chris tian knows that the only remedy for individual selfishness is personal regeneration— “ ye must be born again”—and that the only remedy for national and world-wide selfish ness is the inauguration o f that era to which our Lord re ferred in Matthew 19:28. W e wish the very best for the conference, but our expectation is from God. The R. A . Torrey Estate T he K ing ’ s B usiness is happy to pass on to its read ers a suggestion which appears in the columns o f the Moody Monthly. The late Dr. Torrey was widely known and loved here through his work at Biola and his preaching in the Church o f the Open Door. W e are sure that our readers will take to heart the following paragraphs taken from th e Moody Monthly and will give consideration also to the illustrated advertisement on page 287 o f this issue o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness .
This well-known and honored servant of God de parted this life leaving but a limited estate for the support o f his widow and other dependents. He owned a modest home, well located and equipped in Asheville, N. C., to purchase which he had disposed of his former home in Pasadena, Calif. After his decease, the latter through de fault came back into the hands of his widow, who now desires to dispose o f both properties. The sale of these properties will make possible a readjustment of domestic affairs greatly to the comfort o f those immediately concerned, which is our motive for calling public attention to the matter. We feel sure that Dr. Torrey’s friends throughout the land will be interested to promote in any way they can the sale of either or both of these residences, when they thus learn that it is a way in which they can express their regard for the memory of one who held so large a place in their hearts. Revival Blessing in England nder the auspices o f the Bible Testimony Fellowship o f Great Britain, Dr. William Evans has recently finished a blessed campaign o f Bible teaching across the water. There is in England an encouraging eagerness on the part of the people for the Word o f God. The descrip tive letter that follows will be of interest to our readers. I began a Bible teaching campaign in Dublin Y.M.C.A., o f which Captain Wallis is the able general secretary— a man not only thoroughly capable but eminently, spirit ual, and the work o f the “Y ” there manifests his spirit. The meetings were h?ld in the same building in which Mr. Moody and Dr. Torrey held their meetings—indeed, it is difficult to speak about that “Y ” without mentioning Mr. Moody’s name in connection with it. The audiences grew daily, until after the fourth day we had to open the side room, making a total seating capacity of 2,000, and every seat was taken. God gave us a time ,of wonderful spiritual uplift. The next campaign was in Belfast, in the Ravenhill Presbyterian Church, which was filled to capacity. Then back I went to London, for work with the Lon don City Mission. This organization for Christian work has about 2S0 paid workers. The meetings were held in Queens Hall. Who that was .there can ever forget how the Spirit fell upon that magnificent audience with its 5,000 uplifted and expectant faces? The next meeting was in Alexandria Palace—the an nual meeting of the Bible Testimony Fellowship organiza tion. As I looked into the faces of those thousands of peo ple as they drank in the Word o f God, I felt greatly en couraged to see that the “ faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” has not by any means perished from the earth. And I might say here in this connection that destructive modernism is most certainly failing here. A tree is known by its fruits, and the fruit it is producing is not “the fruit of the Spirit”-^-and the people are begin ning to see that.
Prizing the Cross F rom U go B assie ’ s S ermon
If thou, impatient, do let slip thy cross, Thou wilt not find it in this world again, Nor in another; here and here alone Is given thee to suffer for God’s sake. In other worlds we may more perfectly Love Him, and serve Him, praise Him, Grow-nearer and nearer to Him with delight, But then we shall not any more Be called to suffer, which is our appointment here. Canst thou not suffer then one hour, or two? If He should call thee from thy cross today Saying: “ It is finished, that hard cross of thine From which thou prayest for deliverance,” Thinkest thou not some passion of regret Would overcome thee? Thou wouldst say, “ So soon? Let me go back and suffer yet awhile More patiently. I have not yet praised God.” . Whensoe’er it comes, that summons that we look for, It will seem soon, too soon! Let us take heed in time That God may now be glorified in us.
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