PICTURE FRAMES • Poly-Resin Construction (unless otherwise noted) • Glass Inserts • Color Window Box • Hangers on back
#1108 4” x 6” Metal Horseshoe
#477 4” x 6” Deer Antler
#479 4” x 6” Birch Wood
#464 4” x 6” Fishing Lures
#517 4” x 6” Deer
#512 4” x 6” First Deer
#478 8” x 10” Deer Antler
#525 Three Picture 4” x 6” Deer
#439 4” x 6” Shot Shell
www.rivErSEdGEprOdUCtS.COm 1 RivErS EdGE COUrt | St. ClAir, MO 63077
(888) 3266200
#470 4” x 6” Bass
#510 4” x 6” Deer Antler
(888) 3266200
SHOP ONLINE AT www.rivErSEdGEDEALER.COm 2219 HitzErt Ct. | FEntOn, MO 63026
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