2025 Rivers Edge Products Catalog


These Hand-Painted resin candle holders are perfect for any outdoor enthusiast.

#692 15” 3 Candle Bears in Canoe Candle holder (votives included)

WINE BOTTLE HOLDER This Hand-Painted resin bottle holder is perfect for any outdoor enthusiast. Constructed of a durable poly-resin that resembles authentic deer antler. Designed to hold a standard 750ml wine bottle. It will also hold bottles of similar shape and size for the fire water connoisseur. Makes for a perfect

#685 13” 3 Candle Bear and Moose with Birch Canoe Candle holder (votives included)

#777 Antler Candle holder (votive included)

www.rivErSEdGEprOdUCtS.COm 1 RivErS EdGE COUrt | St. ClAir, MO 63077 #982 Single Bottle Rack Antler

(888) 3266200

#683 11” 3 Candle Birds on Birch Branch Candle holder (votives included)

(888) 3266200

SHOP ONLINE AT www.rivErSEdGEDEALER.COm 2219 HitzErt Ct. | FEntOn, MO 63026


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