New February Edition 2022 | BEAUTY GLOBAL MAGAZINE

Recently you were touring the United States of America. How did you like it and which is your favorite city in the states?


I traveled to 8 cities this time-But my forever favourite is newyork, I just love the vibe and feel of that place . NYC surprises me every time I visit there.


How do you feel to be on the cover of the BGN Magazine USA?

I’m super exited for this one, as this is my first cover page in United States of America. The first is always special.


For all the BGN viewers and readers I just want to say that every person should attach her or himself to a goal. As attaching yourself to a goal keep your life more lively. Also always keep spreading positivity wherever you go with your smile. Dr Amber Jamal created the BGN Network as a powerful platform in USA and Canada? What special message you have for our BGN readers?

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