BCNA CaseForSupport 2024 25

Breast Cancer Network Australia

Case for Support 2024

How your investment can help people impacted by breast cancer

What we do

Support services • Helpline • Online Network • My Care Kit

Information and resources • Web-based Information and Resources Hub • My Journey • Service Finder • Podcasts and webinars




Voice Risk stratification is prioritised for people with high risk of breast cancer People with an inherited high risk of breast cancer can access life-saving preventative surgery





Stronger evidence-based approaches for local and global cancer reforms $75,000


People with metastatic breast cancer are not hidden in plain sight



Consumer engagement • Seat at the Table Consumer Representative program • Lived Experience Reference Groups • Review and Survey Group

Sector Leadership and Advocacy • Informing national and global policy reform • Contributing to breast cancer research through strong consumer engagement • Leading national initiatives to improve timely access to new treatments

Diverse consumer voices help to improve cancer experiences for others



Information and support Practical support and care to every person diagnosed with breast cancer $125,000


Provide free, tailored resources when they’re needed most



Enhance online engagement experiences of our members



Increase health professional engagement with BCNA



Connection Strategically position BCNA for the next five years

What guides us – BCNA’s Strategic Pillars



Connect with local communities to raise awareness and support



• We respond to the needs of consumers and our network by focusing on providing free and trustworthy information and resources. • We provide evidence-based information and support that empowers individuals affected by breast cancer to make the best decisions for themselves and those they care for. CONNECTION that creates belonging and community • We enable a sense of community for our network, through connection to others going through a similar experience, opportunities to share their lived experience with the wider community, the strength of the BCNA network and the information and resources that make a difference in an individual’s care, experience, and wellbeing. • We strive to ensure everyone in our network is supported and will never feel alone.

THE VOICE that harnesses the power of lived experience • We are the sought-after voice on topics relating to breast cancer policy, research and service development through our strong partnerships with governments, health service providers, researchers and the broader community. We ensure decisions and practice are grounded in consumer engagement and our impact extends to cancer policy overall. • We are consumer-led and work in partnership with our network to improve the health system for the benefit of every individual affected by breast cancer. Many of our advocacy achievements go on to support the entire cancer community. INFORMATION AND SUPPORT that makes a positive difference to experience and health outcomes • We are recognised as a trusted, accessible, and consumer-led source of support.

Respond to emerging priorities that matter to our network



Support and grow our valuable volunteers





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