South Australia Home Stories Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Kenny’s rainbow of pride P4 Rent review FAQs P6 Common Ground Dental Clinic P9


From the Executive General Manager Hi everyone, I was so happy to be invited by the Home Stories editorial crew to provide a ‘little something’ from Housing Choices’ national office, for the first time. I know your real interest in Home Stories is to keep in touch with local friends and community - and rightly so. But I thought you might like to know how important Home Stories is to us too. While it’s a great read for residents, for me and all our staff it is your stories that inspire us! What’s my story? I joined Housing Choices as Executive General Manager

Customer and Community Services early this year. My job is to support all the people at Housing Choices who support all our residents, across the country. To take up this wonderful opportunity I moved to Australia from the United Kingdom, along with my partner and our four kids. So, I really know how important it is to feel settled, safe and connected to community. Like you, the staff at Housing Choices look forward to each issue of Home Stories - because it makes us feel more connected to you. Thanks to all the people across the Housing Choices family - staff and residents - who bring our communities together. And thanks to those who share their stories here and inspire us along the way. In this Home Stories you will find updates on how Housing Choices are planning to celebrate Pride March in South Australia on the 2 nd

of November and read about Kenny and his Rainbow of Pride. You will also read some helpful tips and advice for keeping yourself safe by SAPOL. Housing Choices are glad to regularly collaborate with SAPOL and recently they were guest speakers at a local coffee morning. The Housing Team are busy getting ready for the next Rent Review and enclosed you can read some rent review frequently asked questions (FAQ’s!). As always, your Housing Officer is just a phone call away if you need more information or have

any concerns. Happy reading.

Hannah Harvey Executive General Manager, Customer and Community Services

Acknowledgement of Country

Housing Choices South Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where this publication is produced, the Kaurna people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are part of the Housing Choices community.

Cover: Kenny in front of one of his bright wall hangings.


After nine rewarding years as General Manager for South Australia, I’m excited to let you know I am stepping into a new role as Director of Supportive Services with Housing Choices. While my responsibilities are shifting, I’ll continue to be involved in supporting our residents and communities across the country. While my role now has a national focus, I will still be based in the local Adelaide office continuing to work very closely with the local Common Ground and Catherine House programs. I’m really looking forward to continuing to work with our residents and our organisation in new ways, as we continue to focus our efforts on delivering more homes, new services and opportunities for all our residents. A new role at Housing Choices

Above: The whole group at Illuminate Adelaide at the Festival Plaza.

Illuminate Adelaide

For the third year running, residents and staff rugged up and headed off on the night walk to the Adelaide Festival Plaza, and North Terrace to enjoy the free program of City Lights that Illuminate Adelaide had to offer throughout July. It was great to feel a buzz in the winter air, with many people out exploring the city lights, and enjoying this annual event.

Below: Justine enjoying the light-up swings!


Kenny’s rainbow of pride “I’m very proud of Housing Choices SA for putting on the Rainbow Group. I get to meet others like me, and just get out in the community more.” As a community housing organisation, creating supportive and connected communities is vital. For our LGBTQIA+ community who continue to face adversity, this is especially important. On the first Friday of each month, local Adelaide residents come together to celebrate, connect and support one another as part of the ‘Rainbow Group’. Run by our Inclusive Communities team, it was established after a resident asked for a program where they could feel safe and not have any offensive comments made about their sexuality. For local Adelaide resident Kenny, it’s one of the ways he avoids the isolation that can come from a combination of health issues that require in-home nursing, and his LGBTQIA+ identity.

“I used to be on the gay scene and was part of a drag show.” This part of his life ended abruptly, when he was assaulted, simply for expressing himself through his clothing. Having lived through challenging times, with homophobic slurs and the threat of violence means Kenny is particularly content to be surrounded by good friends, safe places to meet and enjoy each other’s company, and a home near to all the supports he needs. “Now, it’s good that you’re just able to be who you wanna be and to be yourself. I’m proud of being a gay male.”

Housing Choices South Australia’s Rainbow Group We are excited that this year, for the first time, Housing Choices South Australia’s Rainbow Group will be taking part in the Adelaide Pride March. We are indebted to Kenny and our Rainbow Group for helping make this happen. Scheduled for Saturday 2 November 2024 , any residents wanting to march with us are welcome to join in. Contact the Inclusive Communities Team for more details or if you would like to come to our coffee catch up which takes place on the first Friday of each month.

Over page: Kenny in his Adelaide garden. Kenny loves where he lives - despite being in the CBD he has a courtyard garden complete with an outdoor table and decidious trees.



2. How is my rent calculated? Housing Choices uses an income-based formula set by the SA Housing Authority to calculate the amount of rent payable for each property. Every person in the household receiving an income must be included in the calculation. Currently, an eligible community housing general tenancy pays a subsidised rent based on 25% of the household’s total assessable income before tax; and an affordable tenancy pays a subsidised rent based on 30% of the household’s total assessable income before tax. 100% of eligible rent assistance is included in the total rent charge. From 1 July 2021, if a tenant has a moderate household income, their subsidised rent will gradually increase from 25% to 30% of their total assessable household income before tax. A tenant has a moderate household income if they meet both the below conditions: Their total assessable household income before tax is equal to or more than the moderate rent limits. They or their partner don’t receive an income support payment from Centrelink or Department of Veteran’s Affairs, for example JobSeeker, Age Pension.

When a carer is living with a resident solely for the purpose of providing care, their income is not included in the calculation. HCSA will require the carer to provide a letter from the resident’s doctor to confirm this arrangement.


Rent review FAQ’s! All rents for Housing Choices tenancies are income based, and depending on the type of accommodation that you reside in, the rent amounts can differ.

3. What benefits are excluded from the rent calculation? Carer’s allowance and supplements paid to Centrelink recipients (such as energy supplement and pharmaceutical allowance) are not included in the rent calculation. The SA Housing Authority determines what income is assessable or non-assessable. For further details please speak with your housing officer.

1. Why is my rent reviewed? Approximately 95% of Housing Choices

4.What is CRA? Commonwealth Rent

Assistance (CRA) is a non- taxable income supplement payable by Centrelink to eligible people who rent in the private rental market or community housing.

residents pay a reduced rent – that is, less than the market rent value for their property. To remain eligible for a reduced rent, it is a condition of your tenancy agreement to provide, when requested, household occupant details and income verification for all household occupants.

August 2024 Moderate rent limits are:

Moderate household income limits per week

Household type

1 adult

$807 .21 $986 .59 $1165 .97 $1255 .66 $1435 .04 $1614 .42

1 adult, 1 child

1 adult, 2 children

2 adults

2 adults, 1 child

2 adults, 2 children


5. What happens

if I don’t provide proof of income? It is a requirement of your rental agreement that you provide the required documents to support your request for an income- based rent. Failing to provide the Household Occupant and Rent Review form or providing income details for all household members will indicate you no longer require an income-based rent, and your rent will be reverted to the market rent payable for the property. 6.What if my income fluctuates? If your income changes from one fortnight to the next, we will require the most current pay details for the past 6 weeks (i.e., Payslips) to calculate an average income. This will be used to calculate your rent for the current Rent Review process. You are responsible to notify your Housing Officer of changes to your income that are greater than $20 .00 per week.

Above: Bridgette and Lewis from SAPOL presenting.

Safety tips from the SA Police

The fear of falling for a telephone scam, or not feeling safe in our homes can leave us feeling quite scared and vulnerable. We invited the SA Police (SAPOL) Community Engagement Team to join us for our Coffee Catch Up in July. Police officers Bridgette and Lewis shared practical ways in which we can protect ourselves both in our own homes, and while on the phone.

Home safety • Consider using internal and external timers for lights when not at home. • Keys should be removed from door and window locks while you are absent to prevent thieves entering. • Keep doors locked even when home. • Garden tools, equipment and ladders should be locked away when not in use to prevent them being used to gain access to your home. • Break down large or expensive packaging and place it inside the rubbish bin and only put the bins out on collection day.

Nuisance or harassing phone calls • If you receive repeated calls from an unidentified or unrecognised number(s) and they leave no voicemail, consider blocking the number using the phones ‘block number’ feature. • If you do answer a call

from an unidentified or unrecognised number(s) be aware of scam call

techniques like; they may impersonate high-profile or trusted brands; there may be a sense of urgency or threat in their communications. • Never provide personal or bank details to anyone who calls you or follow directions to transfer money or provide remote access to a computer.

If you would like to discuss your assessed rent in more details, please contact your Housing Officer by phoning 1300 312 447 or via email

If you need to report a crime call 131 444 or visit your local police station.


Above: Charlotte (HCSA), Claire (The Art Bus) with residents Bill and Rob.

Above: Morning tea.

Housing Choices were thrilled to welcome back Claire and Miranda from The Art Bus on Thursday 12 September who ran a morning art session with residents. In groups we created art together, using beautiful watercolour paper, and a variety of coloured inks, using a method of turning the paper, and adding, changing, and developing R U OK? Day

Ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day. By having regular, meaningful conversations, you build trust and normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to. If you need professional support, please contact your doctor, local health centre or one of the services listed below. Family and friends can also call upon these services for advice and assistance on how to support someone who is struggling with life. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14 . If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate

Above: Creating art.

work already created. This creative process

allowed for time and space for the groups to chat and discuss the focus of the day - “R U OK?” We shared morning tea together, and then cut up our sheets of artwork, to create smaller framed pieces for participants to take home, as well as greeting cards for use in the future. There is a framed artwork of all three groups now on display in Wauwi Inparrila, in Mellor St, Adelaide.

assistance by calling Triple Zero (000) .

Above: Willem and Margaret.


1 2

3 4

Housing Choices were thrilled to collaborate with The University of Adelaide Light Square Common Ground Dental Clinic, and TAFE SA for a Dental Health Week

Common Ground Dental Clinic This year for Australia Dental Health Week the focus was on ‘Better Gum Health’. Did you know? • 1 in 4 Australians have gum disease. • Gum disease does not usually cause pain until it is advanced. • Some things like smoking and uncontrolled diabetes are risks for severe gum disease.

morning in August. Hygiene and dental

Above: Dental products.

students were available to discuss the importance of gum health and answer individual questions on oral health and hygiene. Residents who attended received free dental care kits with toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss- and there were two lucky door prizes! Congratulations to Brett and Hazel for being the lucky winners on the day.

If you haven’t visited the Common Ground Dental Clinic, and would like to make an appointment, please contact the Inclusive Communities Team on 1300 312 447 .

9 Above: Image 1: Hazel, Brett, Joy, Bill, Rebeccah and Harry with dental students. Image 2: Learning how to correctly brush. Image 3: Rob, Hazel and Rebeccah learning with students. Image 4: Dental student, Haydon.

Above: Bill, Rasili, Elijah, Rebeccah and Keith.

CGA music jam Congratulations to the CGA Music Jam who recently wowed the audience with an outstanding performance at the July Draw Your (S)words event at The Mill Art Gallery. The night was held as the closing event of the ‘A Permanent Record’ exhibition which centered the narratives of criminalised young people who have shared their stories as part of research by Tessa Cunningham in collaboration with art therapist Sarah Tucker. The exhibition fused these stories with multi-modal artistic works produced by and with formerly incarcerated and criminalised people. The CGA Music Jam’s set was a vibrant blend of genres showcasing the groups talent and passion for music. The energy in the room was palpable as the audience clapped and sung along. “It was amazing” said Bill, Elijah and Rasili from the CGA Music Jam. “We really came together as a group and it was such a good experience”.

Above: Singer song writer and guitarist, Keith.

The CGA Music Jam meet every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm to share their love of music. If you can play an instrument or enjoy singing and would like to give it a try, get in touch with the Inclusive Communities team.


Above: Housing Choices staff with CEO David Fisher and new Felixstow residents.

Felixstow welcome

All 14 dwellings incorporate practices to provide long term housing solutions that accommodate residents’ evolving needs. This project is part of Housing Choices SA’s Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs (ROSAS) transfer program which is administered by the SA Housing Trust. During the welcome event, new residents said they really liked the layout of their property including the rear courtyard which is very easy to maintain. They also said the location is great being close to shops, transport to the city and beautiful parks. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make it such an enjoyable afternoon.

In September we welcomed residents to Housing Choices SA’s newest development located in Felixstow. Everyone had the opportunity to meet their new neighbours as well as the team from Housing Choices who will help ensure their tenancies are a success. The recently completed 14 dwelling project was designed by local firm Anthony Donato Architects, and built by Palumbo.

Below: New homes in Felixstow.


Home Stories Spring Puzzle Win a $50 Bunnings voucher!

Find all the words in the word search except for one, which is not actually in the grid. Words may be forward, backward, up, down or diagonal.








Congratulations to Wendy from Campbelltown for solving the Winter Home Stories puzzle. The answer was ‘campervan’. Only one entry is allowed per household. The winner will score themselves a $50 Bunnings voucher and will be drawn from the correct entries. Good luck! Please tell us the remaining word before Friday 6 December 2024 by emailing

Contact us: Please get in touch at any time if you have any questions or suggestions. For maintenance requests please call 1300 153 850 or report via our website:

General Enquiries 1300 312 447


192 Waymouth Street Adelaide SA 5000

1300 153 850

12 Disclaimer: To the best of Housing Choices Australia’s knowledge (Housing Choices), this information is valid at the time of publication. Housing Choices makes no warranty or representation in relation to the content or accuracy of the material in this publication. Housing Choices expressly disclaims any and all liability (including liability for negligence) in respect of use of information provided. Housing Choices recommends you seek independent professional advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this publication.

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