South Australia Home Stories Spring 2024

Above: Bill, Rasili, Elijah, Rebeccah and Keith.

CGA music jam Congratulations to the CGA Music Jam who recently wowed the audience with an outstanding performance at the July Draw Your (S)words event at The Mill Art Gallery. The night was held as the closing event of the ‘A Permanent Record’ exhibition which centered the narratives of criminalised young people who have shared their stories as part of research by Tessa Cunningham in collaboration with art therapist Sarah Tucker. The exhibition fused these stories with multi-modal artistic works produced by and with formerly incarcerated and criminalised people. The CGA Music Jam’s set was a vibrant blend of genres showcasing the groups talent and passion for music. The energy in the room was palpable as the audience clapped and sung along. “It was amazing” said Bill, Elijah and Rasili from the CGA Music Jam. “We really came together as a group and it was such a good experience”.

Above: Singer song writer and guitarist, Keith.

The CGA Music Jam meet every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm to share their love of music. If you can play an instrument or enjoy singing and would like to give it a try, get in touch with the Inclusive Communities team.


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