South Australia Home Stories Spring 2024

Kenny’s rainbow of pride “I’m very proud of Housing Choices SA for putting on the Rainbow Group. I get to meet others like me, and just get out in the community more.” As a community housing organisation, creating supportive and connected communities is vital. For our LGBTQIA+ community who continue to face adversity, this is especially important. On the first Friday of each month, local Adelaide residents come together to celebrate, connect and support one another as part of the ‘Rainbow Group’. Run by our Inclusive Communities team, it was established after a resident asked for a program where they could feel safe and not have any offensive comments made about their sexuality. For local Adelaide resident Kenny, it’s one of the ways he avoids the isolation that can come from a combination of health issues that require in-home nursing, and his LGBTQIA+ identity.

“I used to be on the gay scene and was part of a drag show.” This part of his life ended abruptly, when he was assaulted, simply for expressing himself through his clothing. Having lived through challenging times, with homophobic slurs and the threat of violence means Kenny is particularly content to be surrounded by good friends, safe places to meet and enjoy each other’s company, and a home near to all the supports he needs. “Now, it’s good that you’re just able to be who you wanna be and to be yourself. I’m proud of being a gay male.”

Housing Choices South Australia’s Rainbow Group We are excited that this year, for the first time, Housing Choices South Australia’s Rainbow Group will be taking part in the Adelaide Pride March. We are indebted to Kenny and our Rainbow Group for helping make this happen. Scheduled for Saturday 2 November 2024 , any residents wanting to march with us are welcome to join in. Contact the Inclusive Communities Team for more details or if you would like to come to our coffee catch up which takes place on the first Friday of each month.

Over page: Kenny in his Adelaide garden. Kenny loves where he lives - despite being in the CBD he has a courtyard garden complete with an outdoor table and decidious trees.


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