New December Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

We learn to appreciate things once we lose them and so Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on our blessings and give back if we have prospered during the year. Here are some ways to just do that:


If you are not preparing the thanksgiving meal this year for your family & friends, you could always pick up some or all of the grocery tab for the person who would be doing that. Just imagine how much grateful that person would be to have some relief in preparing a relatively expensive meal for so many people. OFFER TO PAY FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER If you are not preparing the thanksgiving meal this year for your family & friends, you could always pick up some or all of the grocery tab for the person who would be doing that. Just imagine how much grateful that person would be to have some relief in preparing a relatively expensive meal for so many people. OFFER TO PAY FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER

One of the best and most heartwarming ways to give thanks and give back during this season involves making a cash, food, clothing or even a blanket donation at your favorite local charity organization. These groups work hard to provide comforts to people in need.


We often nowadays are dependent on electronic gadgets and screens even when we are with our friends and family. Though giving up the holiday football season might be tough, especially if it’s a tradition, you might be surprised at how refreshing it is to pay attention to your friends and family instead of a screen. Try to play board games or communicate with each other involving all age groups.

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