New December Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK


Author Farheen Lodhi Goodwill Students Ambassadors of Pakistan

Jinnah's Birthday, also known as Quaid-e-Azam Day or Quaid Day, is a Pakistani public holiday celebrated annually on December 25 across the country to commemorate the birthday of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan's founder, known as Quaid-i-Azam ("Great Leader"). The event is primarily observed by the government and citizens of the country, with the national flag hoisted at major architectural structures such as private and public buildings, most notably the top of the Quaid-e-Azam House in Karachi. While the unified ritualistic event is usually attended by prominent leaders, military commanders, and citizens, all public and private sectors, including schools, colleges, and universities, remain closed to organize multiple events such as debates, seminars, and exhibitions at respective locations without being involved in office management. Jinnah's birthday is also considered a convenient date in Pakistan for both Christians and non-believers, as it coincides with the nearly universal observance of Christmas. It is one of the most important national holidays in Pakistan, and it is traditionally observed throughout the country. Pakistanis observe both holidays on December 25 because Christmas Day is celebrated on that day. In Pakistan, the Jinnahs were not a political family. Jinnah was a pivotal figure in the Pakistan Movement, which sought to establish Pakistan as a separate nation for Indian Muslims. Until it was dissolved by martial law in 1958, the family was the leader of the All-India Muslim League and its successor, the Muslim League. They were from a Gujarati Khoja family who moved to Karachi in the nineteenth century from Kathiawar in the Bombay Presidency.

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