New December Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

focused attention. Helen Fisher and colleagues (2005) found that when the brains of those who state they are passionately in love are scanned by an fMRI, the reward system is activated. Where the relationship goes from here becomes increasingly complicated. Some might fear the possibility of rejection, which overrides their enjoyment of falling in love. Others may be scared about committing to the relationship, or be overly needy and clingy—and, as a result, drive their lover away. Some may dive in, secure in their hopes that this might be the relationship that lasts. These patterns are thought to start in the early stages of development, and reflect the parent-child relationship. This early relationship, although not romantic, teaches us about how relationships work, what we can expect of others, and whether relationships—of any kind—are worthwhile Although there are many benefits of being single, there is no denying that falling in love is an intense time, and one that most of us find exhilarating. The next time someone you know starts to comment on the smell of the outdoors being more refreshing than usual, or you notice they grin when staring at a photograph of someone they are dating, enjoy the show—and know that they are possibly falling in love.



“Jeans” is a short for “blue jeans” which was invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873. Jeans as name for trousers come from city of Genoa in Italy, a place where cotton corduroy, called either jean or jeane, was manufactured. ANSWER


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