Page 4. The Roberts family in England were very anxious to have charge of young Charles, and they offered serious university inducements to stay with them . Louisa called on the Salvation Am1y . to assist them to emigrate to Canada rapidly. General Evangeline Booth took charge of the case and ensured their departure for Tronto. She remarked it was one of her saddest cases. They also contacted Mrs. Rodgers, Charles' aunt, for financial help with his illness in the hospital. Page 6. Recounted by Charles to Janet in San Clemente on 2 occasions when reminiscing about that period. Page 13. Charles pursuaded his life insurance to loan him the down payment on 1144 N. Jackson in Glendale and arranged upon its later sale to restore the amount. Later the company was reluctant to reinsure due to war threats arising in China. He laughingly replied he was glad to return because he just nearly got run down by a fast car turning on 6th and Spring St. They all laughed and agreed the odds were fair! Page 16. Although arrangements were made by the 2 men sharing Dede's cabin and helping to watch for him, his mother agonized over the whole trip. Nevertheless, God was watching! At Yokohama, Japan a te~le typhoon turned over the ship next to his~ he was met in L.A. by Aunt Bessie and put on a Santa Fe train~ the train behind had a serious crash~ the RR hostess in Chicago put him on the train to N.Y. City, which then suffered its worst hurricane in August 1938, the day before he arrived! His mother's friend met him and escorted him to Stony Brook School for Boys! Page 17. The fire burned furiously since there was no t;nodem equipment. It was considered the worst big city fire since the London one in 1660 according to historians! H.B.I ., outside, escaped and Yale suffered minor damages. Missions in center of city were badly damaged. Charles had developed a brief friendship with the governor as "rep" for foreign missions. He hastened to the governor and assured him of missionary support and gained his assent to pray for him and his responsibility, knowing Chiang Kai-Shek was arriving for inspection. Charles remembered the
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