Media Kit. The Media Use Statement docu- ments that “… Permission may be granted to
protecting its IP and brand, the Fra- ternity has contracted BrandShield®, an online brand management services firm. BrandShield® utilizes artificial intelligence and algorithmic technology to monitor, detect and remove online instances of trademark infringement. BrandShield proactively searches and detects web domains and social media applications displaying Kappa Alpha Psi infringement, including fraternity letters, coat of arms, and monikers. BrandShield’s automated process is designed to assist the IPP Committee with takedowns of trademark infringe- ment, enforcement case management, and evidence gathering. BrandShield ® , thus far, has issued take- down notifications on the Fraternity’s behalf to over 50 web pages, 1,000 mar- ketplace listings, and 200 social media posts thus far that improperly and/or without authority offer merchandise to the public. IPP Committee and IHQ believe BrandShield’s efforts and tools have encouraged some companies in the vendor marketplace to comply and become licensed with the Fraternity. The IPP Committee reviews the monthly BrandShield reports, updates our list of IP violators, and develops next steps to combat identified infringement on our IP and Brand. In addition to numerous companies of all sizes, other fellow National Panhel- lenic Council organizations are Brand- Shield clients.
bers and non-members own parapher- nalia companies that market and sell fraternity paraphernalia without authori- zation, thus violating the Fraternity’s IP and profiteering from using the Fra- ternity’s registered trademarks. These entities range from small companies and individuals operating from a website or Instagram ® page to large paraphernalia corporations and the traditional brick- and-mortar paraphernalia stores in major cities and college towns across the
download and use trademarked media to cover Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. activities and events. Kappa Alpha Psi reserves the right to refuse permission for further reproduction if the user has not maintained acceptable standards of representation, or if the user has not observed the conditions set forth in our statement.”
country. In some cases, IPP Com- mittee has found some of these
IPP Committee incorporated a tool used by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to create a web-based token for currently licensed vendors to post on their website and social media pages. Posting the token indicates to potential custom- ers that a company is an approved and authorized vendor of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Brother Peterson and IT update the token annually to account for the new license period year.
entities are currently licensed with our fellow Divine Nine organizations while not licensed with the Fraternity. In addition to social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook ® , Brand- Shield monitors posting of IP viola- tions on major online retailers such as Amazon ® , Wal-Mart ® , eTsy ® , and eBay ® . Many non-licensed vendors leverage these retailer platforms and their enor- mous customer bases to market prod- ucts that violate our IP. Potential actions by the Fraternity toward these non-licensed paraphernalia vendors is the aforementioned takedown action of web pages and social media pages to pursuing litigation.
Vendor Newsletter
Brother Peterson and the IHQ team produce and distribute a newsletter to all licensed vendors. The newsletter provides important information and updates concerning Kappa Alpha Psi and its vendor program. The newsletter is a method to help develop and main- tain a beneficial partnership between the Fraternity and its licensed vendor community.
eBay VeRO Program
In 2021, the IPP Committee enlisted the Fraternity into eBay’s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) program. The VeRO program “allows owners of intellectual property (IP) rights and their authorized representatives to report eBay listings that may infringe on those rights. VeRO embodies eBay’s commitment to provid- ing a safe place to buy and sell, which respects property owners’ rights.” Among the hundreds of major cor- porations, brands, and organizations participating in the VeRO program, Kappa Alpha Psi is the only Greek-letter organization member of the VeRO pro-
Nupemall ® , based out of Atlanta, GA, is the Fraternity official paraphernalia vendor, and Herff Jones®, based out of Providence, RI, is the Fraternity official jeweler. The Fraternity has also entered unique partnerships with Fathead ® and New Balance ® . Annually over 100 companies and individuals, some owned by fraternity members, obtain a vendor license to be an authorized vendor of Kappa Alpha Psi.
BrandShield ®
One of the primary methods to protect the Fraternity’s IP is to identify com- panies and individuals marketing and selling items via the internet and social media with Kappa Alpha Psi name, letters, symbols, monikers, and imagery without authority.
To support an increased vigilance in
Conversely, numerous fraternity mem-
THE JOURNAL ♦ FALL 2021 | 49
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