The 34 th Administration Continues to Build Bridges Through the Pandemic—Exhibit A: C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference
the highest tradition of Kappa Alpha Psi. There is much to remember about Wilson. A man of vision, uncommon dedica- tion, and an unswerving devotion to assumed responsibilities, he stirred the imagination of Kappa Alpha Psi as it has never been stirred before. At the moment of his first election, this fertile mind outlined a program for Kappa Alpha [Psi] so dynamic that some were frightened lest 'he carries us too fast.' And carry us fast, he did. He was impatient with mediocrity. Having a well-ordered life and mind, he disliked confusion and aimless- ness. He wanted Kappa Alpha Psi to have a new focus, a new direction, new and wider horizons. What is more, he knew how to get these things done. He plunged into the task like a man in a hurry but one who knew precisely where he was headed. Being completely unselfish . . . wish- ing only the best for the good of Kappa Alpha Psi ... he exacted this kind of de- votion from those who served with him. Men of less stamina fell by the way-
for us the history of the Undergraduate Leadership Conference. See page 14. With the 34 th Administration's focus on leading us through the pandemic, CRWLC has also allowed for MTA to safely resume. This has many obvious benefits. We append a small gallery to Brother Odom's article. See page 22. In addition, Grand Polemarch Shelton continues his unprecedented acces- sibility through his layovers at airports, attending as many gatherings of the brothers as he can, and representing the Fraternity at the highest levels of Pan- Hellenic life and government. See e.g. pages 9, 10 and 13. Through his efforts and those of brothers and chapters included in this issue, you can see that while the pandemic has a certain grip on personal health, safety and commerce, it has not dimmed the cause of achievement in the interest of mankind. We hope you enjoy this issue.
Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq., Editor D espite the lingering effects and continued variants of COVID-19, the 34 th Admin- istration has adapted and thrived. Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., established a national COVID-19 Taskforce led by Brother Kevin Kyles. The taskforce is providing guidance grounded in the best available science that is allowing the Fraternity to safely host in-person events. The taskforce provided guidance that allowed the provinces to host in-person C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Con- ferences (CRWLC)...just in time to observe the 60 th Anniversary. The Fraternity has also taken this op- portunity to recognize the life and work of our longest-serving Grand Polemarch Charles Rodger Wilson. He was the 16 th Grand Polemarch and 19 th Laurel Wreath Laureate. In recognition of that commemoration, The Journal cover fea- tures this iconic photo of the 16 th Grand Polemarch--our first black and white cover of this administration. In the October 1961 issue Journal Editor William L. Crump , stated the fol- lowing about Grand Polemarch Wilson. "Elected six times to office (only once with token opposition), he served in
Yours in the Bond, Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. Editor
side . . . the pace was too fast. The theme. TRAINING FOR
LEADERSHIP, has been dramatically implemented by the effectuation of the Undergraduate Leadership Confer- ence, the establishment of a national job placement facility, and clarification of Guide Right." ( The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal , Oct. 1961, p. 126). By all remembrances shared with me, Brother Crump's account in his editorial was spot on. We continue to benefit from Grand Polemarch Wilson's vision and legacy. In this issue, Grand Historian Kevin Scott provides us with the unique gift of Grand Polemarch Rodgers' Golden Anniversary speech and we are pleased to feature it in this issue of The Jour- nal . See page 52. National CRWLC Chairman Dr. Sam Odom also recounts
Above: Past Journal Editor and Grand Historian William L. Crump. Opposite page: the first report on the Undergraduate Leadership Conference which opened on August 24, 1961. The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal, October 1961, p. 144.
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