the rennie landscape - Q2 2019

pocket guide

NON-MORTGAGE DEBT CONTINUES TO GROW at faster rates than mortgage debt across Canada, a trend that will need to change to ensure economic stability and reduce risks to the financial system in the coming years. A return to lower interest rates and a slowing in mortgage debt growth are positive trends for borrowers and will play a part in mitigating some risk. credit & debt 03. CANADIAN INFLATION IS SLOWING , while bond yields and mortgage rates have moved downwards over the past 6 months. The potential for the country’s yield curve to invert, and the economic challenges it may portend, deserve monitoring. rates 04. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CONTINUES TO BE TEPID , particularly as it relates to condos in Metro Vancouver. Rental starts as a share of all new housing have been ticking upwards however, providing much-needed rental supply that in turn will help facilitate the region’s economic expansion. residential 05. NEW HOUSING POLICY TOOK A BACKSEAT TO MORE ORGANIC MARKET EVOLUTIONS this past quarter. The most notable recent policy-related issue was CMHC releasing details of its shared home equity plan for first-time buyers. While it may have an impact on specific market segments, it is unlikely to have tangible effects on the Metro Vancouver market on a broad scale. policy 06.


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