Protection from market declines Your contract value is protected from losing value due to market performance. If the index value declines from the beginning of an interest term to the end of an interest term, you will receive no interest for that term, but your contract value won’t decline. Note: Your contract value will be reduced by the deduction of the annual withdrawal benefit charge. It is possible that your contract value could be worth less than your initial purchase payment if there is no growth in your contract. Potential for indexed interest, up to a “cap” Caps limit the amount of indexed interest that can be earned in each interest term. Here’s how they work: • At the beginning of each interest term, we set a maximum cap on the interest rate that can be credited to the indexed account at the end of the term. • If the change in the index value from the beginning of the interest term to the end of the interest term is positive, you’ll receive interest up to the declared cap. • Indexed interest is calculated and credited (if applicable) at the end of each annual interest term. Amounts withdrawn from the indexed account before the end of an annual interest term will not receive indexed interest for that term.
CAPS AT WORK This table illustrates how an Income Edge indexed account would be credited interest in hypothetical situations when index performance over a 1-year interest term was greater than the cap, less than the cap (but positive), or negative.
Interest credited
Index performance
Index performance greater than cap Index performance less than cap
Negative index performance
If the change in the index value from the beginning of the interest term to the end of the interest term is positive, you’ll receive interest up to the declared cap.
Starting your interest term Your purchase payment is allocated to your chosen accounts on the 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th calendar day of the month, whichever is on or immediately follows the contract date. This is the start of your interest term. Allocations scheduled on non-business days will be allocated on the next business day. Until allocated, the purchase payment will be held in an account earning a fixed rate of interest.
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