Ameritas FlexMArk Select

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Single Premium Deferred Index Annuity

Issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Lincoln, NE


My Choice: “I plan to retire early and spend every day on the ski slopes until my body calls it quits.” My Path:

DEFINE MY FUTURE THE FUTURE isn’t limited to retiring from the workplace only to watch time and money diminish. A modern retirement is about embracing the years ahead and their expanded possibilities. For some, retirement is a time to travel the world, learn new things, and engage in opportunities that time didn’t afford them during their working years. For others, a thriving retirement is all about giving back to the community, making connections, or spending quality time with those they love. What does your future look like? Whether you’re gearing up for some much-needed time to do the things you love or are preparing to take on the world, your future is full of possibilities. A FlexMark Select index annuity is here to help you realize your goals and experience retirement your way.





CHOOSE MY PATH FlexMark Select is built on a foundation of choice and flexibility. It allows you to choose your retirement path and even change directions when plans change. You will have the opportunity to make selections that will allow you to create your own path to retirement success. When you choose FlexMark Select to prepare for your future, you’re choosing a product that can help you create financial security on your terms.

No Bonus



Upgraded Band

Standard Band



Fee * & No Fee

Fee *

No Fee



MyFit Income Rider With Booster (Traditional GLWB With Income Booster)

MyFit Income Rider® (Traditional GLWB)

Basic GLWB

Level Payout

Level Payout

Lifestyle Payout


GLWB income riders are not available with certain tax-qualified plan types. Upgraded riders are available for a current annual charge of 1.15% for the MyFit Income Rider and 1.25% for the MyFit Income Rider With Booster (not available in all states). * Fee and multi-year options are not available in all states. Fee options are not available in Oregon.




“I chose a product with a premium bonus because it boosts my earnings right away and is available for my beneficiaries if I die.” My Path:

Product Version You have the choice of a FlexMark Select product that will help you meet your financial goals: a product with a vesting premium bonus to help jump-start your earnings, or a no-bonus product that offers stronger interest crediting rates. Bonus A vesting premium bonus is calculated as a percentage of your premium and is placed into a separate account called the bonus account. Example: $100,000 premium X 6% bonus = $6,000 bonus The bonus applies on all premium received in Year 1. It begins earning interest immediately (also held in the bonus account). The bonus account vests into your annuity over a period of 10 years, according to a vesting schedule. Once it is fully vested, the bonus account will be added into your annuity’s accumulation value. The policy’s death benefit includes the full bonus account (vested and non-vested). If you surrender your policy or take withdrawals, the bonus account will reduce proportionately to the surrender or withdrawal amount. No Bonus By offering stronger interest crediting rates than similar bonus products, FlexMark Select no- bonus products allow your money more growth opportunity. A no-bonus product is a wise choice for people who are focused on maximizing their growth potential. Also, a no-bonus product is recommended for those who anticipate taking withdrawals, because the bonus account is reduced by withdrawals.


To learn more about the vesting premium bonus option available to you, please refer to the accompanying product insert.

Premium Amount You determine the right amount of money to put in your annuity during the first policy year to help you best achieve your financial goals. FlexMark Select allows for premium amounts of $25,000 to $1,000,000, and during the first year, additional premium amounts of at least $5,000. It also offers two bands of interest crediting rates.

For initial premium of $200,000 or more, you’ll be rewarded with higher interest crediting rates, giving your money opportunity for greater earnings. Over the life of the policy, upgraded band rates will apply as long as your accumulation value remains at $200,000 or more. If your accumulation value is below $200,000, you can be bumped into the upgraded band for the next interest crediting period if your accumulation value reaches or surpasses $200,000. You can also move from the upgraded band into the standard band if your accumulation value becomes less than $200,000. On products that include a premium bonus, the total bonus account is added to the accumulation value to determine the rate band.


“By putting $200,000 or more into my FlexMark Select annuity, I know my money has the opportunity to work harder for me.” My Path:



My Path:

“I plan to take some withdrawals to pay for world travels and don’t want to miss out on index credits, so I allocated some of my money to the fixed account.”

Interest Crediting Strategies Your annuity’s growth potential is driven by your selection of interest crediting strategies. FlexMark Select offers a variety of strategies that will help you achieve your financial goals. Fixed Account —The fixed account offers a competitive interest rate that is guaranteed* for a 12-month period. Interest accrues daily and is credited monthly rather than at the end of the 12-month period, making the fixed account a suitable choice for a portion of your money if you anticipate taking periodic withdrawals. Index Options —An index option is a type of interest crediting strategy that calculates the interest rate based on the performance of a market index,** such as the S&P 500®. FlexMark Select offers multiple index options tied to various indices, allowing diversification within your annuity. When you allocate your money to an index option, you have the opportunity to benefit from market gains without exposing your money to market declines. That’s because interest credited will never be less than 0%. In exchange for this protection, interest credited is limited to a percentage of market increases (a participation rate) and/or an earnings ceiling (a cap). FlexMark Select offers index options that include a cap, participation rate, or both. 7.5%

Participation Rate: 70%


Participation Rate: 70%

Cap: 5%

Participation Rate —A percentage that is multiplied by the percent of index change to determine interest credited to the annuity. For example, if the market increases 10% over the index period, and the participation rate is 70%, interest credited would be 7%. 7.5%

Cap —A maximum rate of interest that will be credited to the annuity. For example, if the market increases 10% over the index period, and the cap is 5%, interest credited would be 5%.


Interest credited on the index options is limited to a cap, participation rate, or both.

* Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. ** Keep in mind that you’re not actually participating in the market or investing in any stock or bond. Cap: 5%

You have the ability to transfer your money at the end of each index period into any available interest crediting strategy, allowing you the flexibility to adapt to changing sensibilities and times. FlexMark Select gives you the choice of a fee* or no-fee version of each index option. •  Fee Option * —In exchange for paying a fee, you will receive higher caps and/or participation rates than are available on the no-fee option. This translates to the opportunity for greater earnings. Index options with a fee are an excellent choice if you are looking to maximize your growth potential. Fee options are not available in all states. •  No-Fee Option —If you’re not interested in paying a fee, a traditional no-fee option, which offers competitive rates, is a solid choice. •  Fee * and No-Fee Combination —FlexMark Select allows you the flexibility to diversify your money among all available crediting strategies. That means you can split your premium among fee options, no-fee options, and the fixed account—allowing you to customize your accumulation path. To adapt your earnings approach as you see fit, you have the ability to transfer your money into or out of the fixed option, fee option(s), or no-fee option(s)—or a combination thereof—at the end of each index period. For descriptions of available index options, refer to the accompanying index option inserts. * Fee options are not available in all states, including Oregon. My Path:

“I’m a big believer that you get what you pay for, so I chose to put a good portion of my


money in the fee options.”




My Path:

“I don’t think I’m going to need income, so the no-cost income rider is perfect for me. It’s reassuring to know that it’s available if I need it.”

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Riders

Part of planning for the future is ensuring that you can experience the retirement of your choice without running out of money. After all, is it truly possible to enjoy the retirement you intended if you’re worried that your funds won’t last as long as you do? FlexMark Select offers multiple rider options to address this concern.* The Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (GLWB) rider , commonly known as an income rider, allows you to turn on a retirement “paycheck” while your annuity continues to earn interest. With a steady income stream that you are guaranteed not to outlive—even if your accumulation value depletes to zero—you can focus on enjoying retirement in the way you intended. Basic GLWB Income Rider —At no cost to you, the Basic GLWB Income Rider is included with your FlexMark Select annuity.* This no-cost income rider consists of three phases: the accumulation phase, the withdrawal phase, and the guaranteed phase. •  Accumulation Phase —During the rider’s accumulation phase, which begins when your policy is issued, your Premium Accumulation Value (PAV) grows. Though the PAV is not an amount that can be surrendered, withdrawn, or paid as a death benefit, it is important because it helps determine the amount of your lifetime payments. The higher it grows, the greater your income payments will be. The PAV equals your premium plus interest growing at the Premium Accumulation Rate compounded annually for the earlier of 10 years or until you start taking withdrawal payments in the withdrawal phase. Your Premium Accumulation Rate is shown on your rider schedule. Ask your insurance professional for a rate sheet to see current percentages. If you choose to take a withdrawal from your FlexMark Select annuity during the rider’s accumulation phase, your PAV will be reduced proportionately to the change in the policy’s accumulation value and vested bonus account (if applicable). The rider’s accumulation phase ends the day before rider withdrawal payments commence.


* GLWB income riders are not available with certain tax-qualified plan types.

•  Withdrawal Phase —During the withdrawal phase, you will receive a guaranteed income stream of your FlexMark Select accumulation value. You can begin payments once you reach age 50 and after the rider has been in force for one year. You have the choice of receiving annual, semiannual, quarterly, or monthly withdrawals. When you elect to begin receiving withdrawal payments, the greater of the PAV or the policy’s accumulation value plus any vested bonus account is used as the benefit base, a value that is multiplied by your lifetime distribution factor to determine your Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Amount (LWBA).

Your lifetime distribution factor depends on the attained age and gender of the youngest covered person at the beginning of the withdrawal phase, payout option chosen, whether income is based on a single life or joint spousal option, and whether your annuity is held within a qualified plan subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). For FlexMark Select annuities issued within a SEP or SIMPLE ERISA qualified plan, and on all plan types in Massachusetts and Montana, unisex distribution factors apply. For the distribution factor applicable to your situation, please refer to your policy or ask your insurance professional.

The LWBA is your maximum annual payment under the rider. If you take an excess withdrawal, which is any withdrawal greater than the LWBA, the benefit base will be reduced, which will, in turn, reduce your payments. The reduction in the benefit base due to an excess withdrawal may be greater than the dollar amount of the excess withdrawal. Each year during the withdrawal phase, you have the opportunity for a step-up, which is an increase in the benefit base. If the policy’s accumulation value plus any vested bonus account is greater than the benefit base on any rider anniversary, the benefit base will increase, or step up, to equal the policy’s accumulation value plus any vested bonus


account. The LWBA is then recalculated using the original distribution factor and stepped- up benefit base, giving you the opportunity for a greater income stream. •  Guaranteed Phase —Once your FlexMark Select policy’s accumulation value plus any vested bonus account reaches zero, the guaranteed phase begins. During this phase, you will continue to receive a steady income stream for life, as selected, even though your annuity’s values have reached zero, addressing concerns about longevity and eliminating any question about how long your income will last. Payments end only upon the death of the last surviving covered person. No additional step-ups will occur during this phase, and no death benefit remains. MyFit Income Rider (Traditional GLWB) —When you purchase your FlexMark Select annuity, you have the option to upgrade your Basic GLWB Income Rider to the MyFit Income Rider for an annual charge. With the MyFit Income Rider, you can select the rider features that fit your retirement income needs to tailor a rider that is personal to you. This rider works in the same manner as the Basic GLWB Income Rider but offers upgraded features, including larger paychecks for life. It also gives you the choice between traditional, level payouts or a lifestyle payout, allowing you to customize your payments to your retirement story. To learn more about the MyFit Income Rider and the lifestyle payout option, please refer to the accompanying MyFit Income Rider brochure. MyFit Income Rider With Booster (Traditional GLWB With Income Booster) —For a truly flexible income rider that can adapt to your changing needs, when you purchase your FlexMark Select product, you have the option to upgrade to the MyFit Income Rider With Booster for an annual charge. This income rider is the same as the upgraded MyFit Income Rider, but has the added benefit of an income booster, which can increase payments if your health declines. For complete details about the MyFit Income Rider With Booster, please refer to the accompanying MyFit Income Rider brochure. This rider is not available in all states.


ACCESS MY VALUES Your FlexMark Select annuity provides better earnings opportunity when you allow your assets to grow over the long term. However, when the future becomes the present, unforeseen opportunities or issues may arise that will require you to access your money. You may fully surrender your policy at any time before the maturity date for the surrender value, which is equal to the greater of (a) the accumulation value less any surrender charge, and any market value adjustment (MVA), if applicable, or (b) the minimum guaranteed surrender value (see Pages 13 and 14). FlexMark Select offers several ways to withdraw your accumulation value without incurring penalties, giving you freedom and flexibility to respond to life’s changes. Penalty-Free Withdrawals —Each policy year after the first, you may withdraw up to 10% of your beginning-of-year accumulation value without incurring surrender charges or a market value adjustment. You are free to use this liquidity feature to respond to life’s unexpected events. The minimum withdrawal amount is $500. 10% Emergency Access —In addition to annual penalty-free withdrawals, FlexMark Select offers a one-time free withdrawal benefit, available after the first policy year, to help respond to life’s emergencies. You may withdraw up to an extra 10% of the accumulation value without incurring surrender charges or a market value adjustment (MVA) if you experience an emergency event. The extra 10% emergency access is not available in all states. Waiver of Surrender Charge Riders —Provided to you at no additional cost, the waiver of surrender charge riders may allow you to withdraw funds when your health declines without incurring surrender charges or an MVA. To qualify for a waiver, you must have been an owner continuously since the policy date. The annuitant is the qualifying person if the policy is owned by a trust or other legal entity. The waiver of surrender charge riders may vary by state and may not be applicable in all states. • Confinement —At any time after policy issue, if you become confined for at least 30 consecutive days to a qualified institution, surrender charges may be waived on


Interest Rates Interest Rates • Home Health Care —If you need home health care services from a licensed home health care service agency due to impairment in performing at least two of six activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting, continence, and eating), you may qualify for a waiver of surrender charges. This waiver is available once the policy has been in force for one, two, or three years, depending on your state. Ask your insurance professional for qualification details. You must not have been confined = Surrender Value Interest Rates or required home health care services within one year prior to the policy date. • Terminal Illness —If, after the policy begins, you become diagnosed with a terminal illness that results in a life expectancy of 12 months or less, surrender charges may be waived on withdrawals. = Surrender Value Interest Rates Surrender Charges —If you choose to access your funds during the policy’s first 10 years, and one of the available penalty-free options doesn’t apply, surrender charges will apply to withdrawals or surrenders. The charge is a percentage of the amount accessed. Refer to the accompanying product insert for surrender charge percentages specific to your FlexMark Select product. = Surrender Value Interest Rates Market Value Adjustment —A market value adjustment (MVA) is a positive or negative adjustment made in response to market conditions. It applies anytime a surrender charge is assessed during the policy’s 10-year surrender charge period (in addition to the applicable surrender charge). An MVA does not apply when funds are accessed penalty-free; the actual MVA amount may vary by state, and an MVA may not be applicable in all states. = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value Interest Rates Depending on the change in the interest rate environment since you purchased your annuity, the MVA may increase or decrease the amount of the withdrawal or surrender. The MVA is calculated based on a formula that takes into account changes in yields of Bloomberg’s US Credit Index between the date your policy was issued and the date of your withdrawal or surrender. Interest Rates = Surrender Value = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value Interest Rates = Surrender Value withdrawals. To qualify for the waiver, you must not have been confined within one year prior to the policy date.

ender Value

ender Value

Surrender Value

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Surrender Value

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Interest Rates

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Interest Rates

Surrender Value


Surrender Value

Interest Rates

Interest Rates


Surrender Value

Interest Rates = Positive MVA —The MVA will increase your surrender value by no more than the remaining surrender charge if interest rates have fallen since you purchased your annuity. Surrender Value

Negative MVA —The MVA will decrease your surrender value to no less than the minimum guaranteed surrender value if interest rates have risen since you purchased your annuity.

Interest Rates

PROTECT MY MONEY F lexMark Select index annuities offer multiple layers of guarantees to help grow and protect your hard-earned dollars. Contractual Guarantee* —FlexMark Select provides a solid contractual guarantee to shield your funds from an economic downturn. If for any reason you decide to surrender your policy, your surrender value will never be less than the minimum guaranteed surrender value (MGSV) , which is equal to: 1. 87.50% of premium applied to the accumulation value; less 2. Partial withdrawals; plus 3.  Interest credited daily at the non-forfeiture interest rate shown on the policy schedule. Interest Crediting Strategy Guarantees* —In addition to the overall contractual guarantee, FlexMark Select offers guarantees at the strategy level. The minimum declared rate for each strategy will never be lower than the guaranteed rate shown on your policy schedule. Additionally, although you could earn 0% interest in the index options for one or more index periods, your accumulation value is always protected from the market’s downside risk. ANNUITIZE MY POLICY In a process known as annuitization, you may turn your full accumulation value, which includes any vested portion of the bonus account, into an irrevocable income stream. You may annuitize your policy after five years and before the maximum maturity date shown on your policy schedule. Surrender charges do not apply upon annuitization after the fifth policy year. FlexMark Select offers several annuity options for disbursement of your annuity payments, including Life Income and Installment Payments. You have the choice to receive equal annual, semiannual, quarterly, or monthly annuity payments for the life of the annuitant or for the number of years selected (from five to 30 years). Surrender charge-free annuitizations are available after the fifth policy year. Proceeds applied under any annuity option may not be surrendered or otherwise withdrawn. LEAVE MY LEGACY In case you don’t live forever, FlexMark Select offers a reliable death benefit to help leave a legacy for your loved ones. Death benefit proceeds will be paid directly to your chosen beneficiary and are generally free from the hassles, publicity, and delays of probate. If you die prior to the policy’s maturity date (the date on which annuity payments begin), the death benefit is the greater of your accumulation value plus any bonus account or the minimum guaranteed surrender value. Your beneficiary has the option to receive the death benefit any time within five years of your date of death and may choose to receive a lump-sum payment or a series of payments under an available annuity option. If the beneficiary is your spouse, he or she may choose to continue the policy as owner. If you die after annuity benefit payments have begun, the remaining amount of the annuity benefit (if any) will continue to be paid to your beneficiary under your selected annuity option.


* Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.

DEFER MY TAXES Index annuities like FlexMark Select allow you to wait until withdrawals are taken to pay taxes. When your earnings are allowed to grow tax-deferred, interest on those earnings compounds, allowing you to earn interest on your interest, on your principal, and on the sums you would otherwise have to withdraw to pay taxes on a taxable account. This effect, often referred to as triple compounding, allows for greater earnings potential and may help you outpace inflation. TRUST MY INSURER Founded in 1887, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. and its affiliated companies provide a wide range of insurance and financial products and services to individuals, families, and businesses throughout the United States. Offering one of the strongest balance sheets in the industry, Ameritas has an established, proven foundation of stability that you can trust. Its longstanding financial health provides the strength and security that customers expect, reflected in consistently strong ratings earned from independent ratings agencies. EXPLORE MY OPTIONS For more information on FlexMark Select, including current features available to you, or to discuss whether FlexMark Select may be right for you, we recommend you contact the insurance professional who provided you this brochure. To service an existing policy, including reviewing accumulation values, making changes to your interest crediting strategy allocations, electing withdrawals, or changing beneficiary designations, you may contact your insurance professional or Ameritas Client Services at 800-262-2360, Monday through Friday.



A (Excellent) *

A+ (Strong) *

for insurer financial strength. This is the third highest of AM Best’s 13 ratings.

for insurer financial strength. This is the fifth highest of Standard & Poor’s 21 ratings.

Visit for Best’s Rating Report and the Standard & Poor’s Full Analysis Report.

* AM Best and Standard & Poor’s ratings are group ratings for Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, which includes Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Ratings are current as of August 2022 and subject to change.

Policies are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Lincoln, NE. Products are designed in conjunction with Ameritas and exclusively marketed by Legacy Marketing Group ® .

in the market or investing in any stock or bond. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Withdrawals may be taxable and, if taken prior to age 59½, a 10% penalty tax may also apply. The information presented here is not intended as tax or other legal advice. For application of this information to your specific situation, you should consult an attorney. This brochure must be accompanied by the index option inserts, the product insert for surrender charge percentages, and the MyFit Income Rider brochure. The S&P 500 ® Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and S&P has been licensed for use by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. and its affiliates. Standard & Poor’s ® and S&P ® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”) and Dow Jones ® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). The Ameritas fixed index annuity products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, or their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 ® Index. This information is provided by Ameritas ® , which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company. Subsidiaries include Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. in Lincoln, Nebraska and Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York (licensed in New York) in New York, New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. Ameritas ® and the bison design are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life ® is a registered service mark of affiliate Ameritas Holding Company. FlexMark Select and MyFit Income Rider are registered service marks of Legacy Marketing Group. Not a deposit. • May go down in value. • Not insured by FDIC or any federal government agency. • Not guaranteed by any bank or savings associations.

dba: Legacy Marketing Insurance Services (CA Only) 5341 Old Redwood Highway, Suite 400, Petaluma, CA 94954

In approved states, FlexMark Select Index Annuities (Form ICC16 2705 with ICC17 2705-SCH or 2705 with 2705-SCH or 2705-SCH-L) and riders are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. (Ameritas). IN IDAHO and OREGON —Policy Forms ICC16 2705 11-16 with ICC17 2705-SCH 3-17 and Rider Forms ICC16 PPIR 11-16, ICC16 MVAR 11-16, ICC17 GLWB-B 3-17, ICC17 GLWB-T 3-17, ICC17 GLWB-IB 3-17, ICC16 PBR 11-16, ICC16 FWR 11-16, ICC16 EFWR 11-16, ICC16 WSC-CR 11-16, ICC16 WSC-TIR 11-16, ICC16 WSC-HHC 11- 16. Ameritas and Legacy Marketing Group are separate, independent entities. Policies, index strategies, and riders may vary and may not be available in all states. Optional riders may have limitations, restrictions, and additional charges. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Unless otherwise specified, any person or entity referenced herein is not an affiliate of Ameritas or any of its affiliates. FlexMark Select Index Annuities are single premium deferred annuities that offer a fixed interest option and index interest options. Annuities with an index option may be referred to as equity index annuities. The index options are not securities; you are not investing in stocks or in the indexes themselves. Therefore credited interest does not include dividends paid by companies included in the relevant index. The credited interest is linked, in part, to gains in any combination of indexes. Keep in mind, you are not actually participating


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