Allianz 360


Additional index features (continued)

AUTOMATIC ANNUAL RESET AND MULTI-YEAR RESET Annual reset is a common FIA feature that

Multi-year reset is an FIA feature that automatically resets your annuity’s index values at the end of a longer crediting period, such as the 2-year point-to-point and 5-year point-to- point choices available with the MY point-to- point crediting method. Similar to annual reset, that means the crediting period’s ending value becomes the next crediting period’s starting value – locking in any interest your contract earned and ensuring you do not need to make up losses in the index value before you see additional credits in the future.

automatically resets your annuity’s index values at the end of each contract year. That means this year’s ending value becomes the next year’s starting value – locking in any interest your contract earned during the year and ensuring you do not need to make up losses in the index before you see any additional credits in the future. Annual reset is available on annual point-to-point.

Planning for income in retirement It’s no longer enough to simply save money – now you need an income strategy, as well.

It’s important to have an opportunity for income increases in retirement.

That’s because you could face several risks in retirement. One risk to your retirement is longevity. Our increasing life expectancies mean that the number of years we spend in retirement is steadily growing, even as the average retirement age inches higher. That’s why it’s important to have an income strategy that guarantees at least some income for as long as you live. Another risk to your retirement is inflation: History has shown that the cost of goods and services will likely increase. The problem is that – without an adequate income strategy – your retirement income will likely remain steady. That’s why it’s also wise to have an opportunity for increasing income payments in retirement.


First, Allianz 360 SM provides income for life. Beginning at age 40, it gives you a guaranteed increase in your lifetime withdrawal percentage while you’re still saving for retirement. Second, there’s a possibility that you’ll make a mistaken “consumption assumption” about your retirement income needs. You may have heard a rule of thumb that most people generally need about 70-80% of their pre-retirement income to maintain their standard of living in retirement. But some retirees are surprised to discover that their actual income needs are higher. Third, the 360 Benefit also gives you two lifetime income withdrawal options to choose from, including payments that have the opportunity to increase each year.


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