Equitrust Market 10

1 The guarantees expressed in this brochure are based on the claims-paying ability of EquiTrust Life Insurance Company.

2 Surrender of the contract may be subject to surrender charges or market value adjustment. Withdrawals before age 59½ may result in a 10% IRS penalty tax. Withdrawals do not participate in index growth. If the Income Benefit Rider is elected, any withdrawals prior to the start of income withdrawals will reduce the Benefit Base proportionately. 3 The “S&P Multi-Asset Risk Control 5% Excess Return Index” and “S&P 500®” Indices (“Indices”) are products of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and have been licensed for use by EquiTrust Life Insurance Company (“the Company”). Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”); and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by the Company. The products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, or their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions of the Indices. 4 Neither Barclays Bank PLC, or Barclays Capital Inc., nor any affiliate (collectively “Barclays”) is the issuer or producer of MarketTen Bonus Index — an index annuity contract — (“the contract”) and Barclays has no responsibilities, obligations or duties to investors in the contract. The Barclays Focus50 Index (“the Index”), including as applicable any component indices that form part of the Index is a trademark owned by Barclays Bank PLC, or Barclays Capital Inc., and licensed for use by EquiTrust Life Insurance Company (“EquiTrust”) as the Issuer of the contract. While EquiTrust as the issuer of the contract may for itself execute transaction(s) with Barclays in or relating to the Index in connection with the contract investors acquire the contract from EquiTrust and investors neither acquire any interest in the Index nor enter into any relationship of any kind whatsoever with Barclays upon making an investment in the contract. The contract is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Barclays, and Barclays makes no representation regarding the advisability of the contract or use of the Index or any data included therein. Barclays shall not be liable in any way to the Issuer, investors or to other third parties in respect of the use or accuracy of the Index or any data included therein. Bloomberg Index Services Limited is the official index calculation and maintenance agent of the Index, an index owned and administered by Barclays. Bloomberg Index Services Limited does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the Index calculations or any data or information relating to the Index. Bloomberg Index Services Limited makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the Index or any data or values relating thereto or results to be obtained therefrom, and expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect thereto. To the maximum extent allowed by law, Bloomberg Index Services Limited, its affiliates, and all of their respective partners, employees, subcontractors, agents, suppliers and vendors (collectively, the “protected parties”) shall have no liability or responsibility, contingent or otherwise, for any injury or damages, whether caused by the negligence of a protected party or otherwise, arising in connection with the calculation of the Index or any data or values included therein or in connection therewith and shall not be liable for any lost profits, losses, punitive, incidental or consequential damages.

5 The surrender charge period and surrender charges may vary by state. CA – 9 Years: 8.3, 7.4, 6.5, 5.6, 4.7, 3.8, 2.9, 1.9 and 0.9%; DE — 10 Years: 9, 8, 7, 6.5, 5.5, 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5 and 0.5%.

6 Market Value Adjustment does not apply in CA and DE.

7 EquiTrust Life Insurance Company cannot give legal, tax or accounting advice. Your personal tax advisor can provide important information with respect to the purchase of this annuity contract and its taxation.

8 Terminal Illness Rider features may vary by state.

9 Annuitization prior to the Income Date is not offered in TX.

Contract issued on Contract Form Series ICC18-ET-MTB-2000(06-18) or ET-MTB-2000(06-07). Riders issued on Form Series ICC16-ET-IBR-FIXED(07-16) or ET-IBR(06-08); ICC17-ET-IBR-ER-A(04-17) or ET-IBR-ER-A(04-17); ICC17-ET-FIXED-MVA(02-17) or ET-FIXED-MVA(02-17); ICC17-ET-FIXED-ROP(02-17) or ET-FIXED-ROP(02-17); ICC18-430-NHW(06-18) or 430-NHW(08-03); and ICC16-ET-TI(10-16) or ET-TI(10-16). Index accounts issued on Form Series ICC18-ET-MAVG(05-18), ICC18-ET-1AP(05-18), ICC18-ET-1MC(05-18), ICC18-ET-2YR(05-18), ICC19-ET-1PP(05-19), ICC19-ET-2PP(05-19), ET-1PPGS(10-16), ET-2PPGS(10-16), ET-1PP(05-19), ET-2PP(05-19), ICC18-ET-P2P(05-18), ET-P2P(05-18), ET-MAVG(05-18), ET-1AP(05-18), ET-1MC(05-18) and ET-2YR(05-18). This brochure briefly highlights EquiTrust Life Insurance Company’s MarketTen Bonus Index annuity contract and its benefits. For costs and complete details of coverage, including any exclusions, reductions or limitations, and the terms under which the contract may be continued in force, contact your agent/producer. This material is not intended to provide investment advice to you or to your specific situation. EquiTrust does not offer investment advice to any individual and this material should not be construed as investment advice. IRAs/qualified plans are already tax deferred; consider other annuity features.


7100 Westown Pkwy Suite 200 West Des Moines, IA 50266-2521 877-249-3694 • www.EquiTrust.com

ET-MTB-BR-1100 (03-24)

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