Equitrust Market 10

About the indices

S&P 500 Index 3 Visit SPIndices.com Ticker: SPX

Widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap U.S. equities. More than $15.6 trillion is indexed or benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index, with indexed assets comprising approximately $7.1 trillion of this total. Includes 500 leading companies and covers approximately 80% of available market capitalization.

S&P MARC 5% Excess Return Index 3 Visit SPIndices.com Ticker: SPMARC5

Seeks to provide multi-asset diversification within a simple risk-weighting framework, tracking three underlying component indices that represent three asset classes: equities, commodities and fixed income. This index is dynamically rebalanced between the three indices and the cash component to target a 5% level of volatility. In low-volatility environments, the index risk-control mechanism increases market exposure to riskier assets by increasing the allocation to the index (up to a leveraged position of 150%).

Barclays Focus50 Index 4 Visit Indices.Barclays/Focus50 Ticker: BXIIF50E

Seeks growth opportunities while limiting volatility through exposure to a dynamic combination of U.S. stocks and U.S. Treasury Indices. Low-volatility U.S. stocks are used because, historically, they have tended to outperform other, higher volatility stocks on a risk-adjusted basis. The broad universe consists of all stocks listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ issued by companies headquartered in the U.S. The addition of Treasuries adds a diversification benefit and a potential reduction in risk. To further control risk, the index aims to limit its annual volatility to a 5% target using a process called volatility control.

Because not all accounts perform consistently through varying market cycles, diversifying your premium among a variety of strategies — and indices — can help you realize more steady overall performance from your fixed index annuity.


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