Building Safety POC List
Backup Contact Telephone
Building Safety POC
COM-Dean's Office
Karen Christian
Radiation Safety
Elizabeth Boston
G. Persons with Disabilities – Special Circumstances 1. Fire Emergencies
Disabled or non-ambulatory individuals located above or below the ground floor have the option to remain in the building during an emergency when the use of an elevator is essential for evacuation. a. If located on the ground floor, exit the building the same as other building occupants. b. If located above or below the ground floor, seek a safe place — preferably a designated Area of Refuge or a room with an exterior window, a telephone, and a solid door. Call Emergency Dispatch (911) and advise that you are a person or with a person who is non-ambulatory or has a physical disability. Give your exact location – Campus, Building, Room number, and the phone number from which you are calling. Upon arrival, the fire department will determine the best protective action for disabled or non-ambulatory building occupants. 2. Severe Weather Emergencies Assist persons with disabilities to severe weather shelter locations. Elevators may be used by individuals who are disabled or non-ambulatory. H. Emergency Types / Evacuation and Relocation Points 1. Fire: the following actions should be taken whenever a person encounters smoke, fire, burning odors, or fire alarm activation: Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station while exiting the building If possible, close all doors and windows DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS Exit the building as quickly as possible and call 911 once outside The Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving Assembly Location is on the sidewalk Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
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