Integrity Life Indextra

Protection Paths

Guaranteed Minimum Account Value Benefit for You Each withdrawal charge period has its own guaranteed minimum account value (GMAV) benefit. At the end of the index year immediately following your withdrawal charge period, Integrity will review your account value. If it is less than the enhanced value shown below, Integrity will increase it to equal that enhanced value.

Withdrawal Charge Duration




Guaranteed Enhancement Percentage




* Applies to 5-year withdrawal charge period only. ** Applies to 7-year withdrawal charge period only. *** Applies to 10-year withdrawal charge period only.

The GMAV is your initial premium, less voluntary reductions, withdrawal charges and rider charges (if applicable), multiplied by the applicable guaranteed enhancement percentage. The benefit applies one time only. Any increase goes to the fixed interest option. The account value still may fall below the GMAV in subsequent years if the interest credited is less than the charges taken for any optional riders. Guaranteed Death Benefit for Your Loved Ones Indextra provides for your beneficiaries if you, as the owner, die while an account value remains. Your named beneficiary will receive the greater of your account value or your nonforfeiture value as of the date the death benefit is processed. Regardless, no withdrawal charge applies. Guarantees of account values and death benefits are contractual promises supported by Integrity Life’s General Account assets and backed by its claims-paying ability.

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