Supporting the Math Prize for Girls
We welcome individual donations in any amount to the Math Prize for Girls and the Advantage Testing Foundation. We are especially grateful for the support that participants and their families have contributed to the Math Prize for Girls over the years.
• Friend: $50K+/Year
›› Branding on website, in programs/other printed materials, and on merchandise ›› Recognition in Welcome Speech at Awards Ceremony
• Contributor: $100K+/Year
›› All Friend benefits ›› Communications with participants/families through AT Foundation ›› Kiosk at the Games Night Party for the girls, held at MIT’s Student Center
• Supporter: $250K+/Year
›› All Contributor benefits ›› Kiosk in reception area on test day ›› Speaking slot for representative during Awards Ceremony
• Patron: $500K+/Year
›› All Supporter benefits ›› Individual branding opportunities (e.g., Games Night, Travel Stipend, Youth Prize)
• Benefactor: $1MM+/Year
›› All Patron benefits ›› Keynote speaking slot for representative during awards ceremony ›› Premium branding opportunities (e.g., branding of First Prize, Awards Ceremony)
Advantage Testing Foundation
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