Additional index features
AUTOMATIC ANNUAL RESET AND MULTI-YEAR RESET Annual reset is a common FIA feature that
Multi-year reset is an FIA feature that automatically resets your annuity’s index values at the end of a longer crediting period, such as 2-year point- to-point. Similar to annual reset, that means the crediting period’s ending value becomes the next crediting period’s starting value – locking in any interest your contract earned and ensuring you do not need to make up losses in the index value before you can see additional credits in the future.
automatically resets your annuity’s index values at the end of each contract year. That means this year’s ending value becomes the next year’s starting value – locking in any interest your contract earned during the year and ensuring you do not need to make up losses in the index before you can see any additional credits in the future. Annual reset is available on annual point-to-point.
This chart shows how annual reset works.
A The index drops, but your contract value holds steady. B Following a year of negative index performance, the
Accumulation value Market index
Annual Reset Feature
Assumes zero interest credits
market heads up. The index does not have to make up previous losses before your annuity can earn additional interest. Your accumulation value can increase in any year in which a positive index change takes place (subject to caps, spreads, or participation rates), thanks to annual reset.
1 The indexes available within the contract are constructed to keep track of diverse segments of the U.S. or international markets, or specific market sectors. These indexes are benchmarks only. Indexes can have different constituents and weighting methodologies. Some indexes have multiple versions that can weight components or may track the impact of dividends differently. Although an index may affect your interest credited, you cannot buy, directly participate in, or receive dividend payments from any of them through the contract. This hypothetical example is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect any surrender charges or market value adjustments (MVAs) that may be assessed. With the purchase of any additional-cost riders, the contract’s values will be reduced by the cost of the rider. This may result in a loss of principal and interest in any year in which the contract does not earn interest or earns interest in an amount less than the rider charge. If there is no indexed interest, the value would be the money you put into the annuity.
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