Silac Denali 10


Chart 2 compares the cash value of the sample Denali ™ 7 policy to a traditional accumulation-focused indexed annuity that does not recover interest credits and to an indexed annuity that offers a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal for a fee. A few comments: DENALI ™ 7 vs TRADITIONAL FIA • Denali ™ 7 has a lower cash value during the withdrawal charge period and higher cash value thereafter. • The lower cash value during the withdrawal charge period allows us to offer stronger interest credits as well as a lifetime withdrawal benefit for no charge. DENALI ™ 7 vs FIA with GLWB & Fee • Many indexed annuities on the market offer a lifetime withdrawal benefit for a charge. This charge may lead to lower cash values in almost every policy year than what Denali ™ provides. • The FIA with GLWB and Fee offers significantly lower interest credits than what Denali ™ can provide.

Key assumptions include: issue age 60 and $100,000 initial premium. Traditional assumes a fixed interest rate of 2.35%. Denali ™ Bonus 7 assumes a fixed interest rate of 2.50%. FIA with GLWB and Fee assumes a 1% fixed interest rate and 1.15% fee.

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