Multiple crediting strategies are available for you to choose from. The crediting strategies are used to determine how much interest, if any, will be credited to your annuity. You can allocate your funds among one or more of the available crediting strategies. You can reallocate at the end of each crediting strategy term. Gain comfort knowing your money is working for you and is protected from market fluctuations. The Denali ™ Series’ crediting strategies provide the following benefits: 1. Annual floor protection of 0% No matter what happens with the underlying index, you will never earn an interest credit less than 0%. 2. Interest credit lock-in Once interest has been credited, it is locked in and cannot be lost due to future market changes. 3. Choices You have multiple crediting strategies to choose from and can change your mind each strategy term.
The fixed interest strategy provides a guaranteed rate of interest. Interest is credited daily, and the fixed interest rate will be declared annually.
Indexed crediting strategies provide interest credits that are tied to the performance of an external market index. Interest is credited at the end of the crediting strategy’s term. You are guaranteed to never earn less than 0% interest for the strategy term – even during market downturns. This is one of the key features of a fixed indexed annuity. In order to provide the annual floor protection of 0%, indexed crediting strategies limit the total interest you can receive. This limit is in the form of an adjustment – a cap, participation rate or spread. Next year’s adjustments will be declared at the end of each crediting strategy’s term.
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