
MID ATLANTIC Real Estate Journal — March 28 - April 10, 2014 — 3A


M ID A TLANTIC R EAL E STATE J OURNAL Ellis represents seller, Rockford King LLC Patterson-Woods/CORFAC Int’l. sells office building W I LM I NGTON , DE — J. Gregory Ellis, CCIM of

Patterson- WoodsCom- m e r c i a l Properties/ C O R F A C represented the s e l l e r , R o c k f o r d King LLC in the disposi- tion of an office building and adjacent parking lot. Rockford King, an affiliate of a Delaware-based real es- tate investment fund, sold the 5,776 s/f office building located at 1314 N. King St. and the adjacent, nearly half-acre park- ing lot at 1320 N. King St. to separate buyers. WG&S LLP purchased the office building and occupied it earlier this month. Walnut St. Parking Inc. pur- chased the parking lot as an investment. Rockford King had earlier purchased the combined properties froma bank and sub- sequently had the two assets legally sub-divided prior to the dispositions.  J. Gregory Ellis ALLENTOWN, PA — Feinberg Real Estate Advi- sors, LLC represented Manu- facturers Resource Center (MRC) in the lease of their new Lehigh Valley location. Cindy Feinberg represented MRC in the transaction. The new facility, which consists of 5,000 s/f of office and meeting space, is located at 961Marcon Blvd., Hanover Township, Le- high County. The multi-tenant facility is also the location of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. The co-location of the offices will provide ef- ficiency to economic develop- ment groups in the Lehigh Valley. “We’re very excited about our new facility. It is centrally located and offers our employ- ees and clients convenience and an efficient work environ- ment,” said Jack Pfunder , president CEO of MRC. “We were thrilled to work with Cindy Feinberg on our reloca- tion project. She managed our project perfectly and helped us find exactly what MRC needed for the foreseeable future.”  Feinberg Real Estate Advisors , LLC repre s ent s MRC in lease

1314 N. King St.

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