
22C — March 28 - April 10, 2014 — The Best of 2013 — M ID A TLANTIC Real Estate Journal


The TOP MORTGAGE BROKER of 2013 #1 Broker #3 Broker #4 Broker #2 Broker

Cary Abod HFF

Jim Cadranell HFF

Nate Hyman Eastern Union Funding

Mark M. Scott Commercial Mortgage Corp

#7 Broker

#5 Broker

#6 Broker

#8 Broker

Eric Seidel Marcus & Millichap

Marvin Jeremias Meridian Capital Group

Joseph Belgiovine Marcus & Millichap

Jay Jacobovitch Meridian Capital Group

to our

HFF Mid-Atlantic Offices


D E B T P L A C E M E N T | I N V E S T M E N T S A L E S | E Q U I T Y P L A C E M E N T | A D V I S O R Y S E R V I C E S | L O A N S A L E S | L O A N S E R V I C I N G

Named Mi d-At l an t i c Rea l Es t a t e Journa l ’s “Best of 2013” Rankings from Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal survey

HFF NEW JERSEY 200 Campus Drive, Suite 410 Florham Park, NJ 07932 (973) 549-2000 HFF PHILADELPHIA Eight Tower Bridge 161 Washington Street, Suite 925 Conshohocken, PA 19428 (412) 281-8714 HFF WASHINGTON, D.C. 1775 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 533-2500

#2 Top Brokers - Sales HFF DC Team of Jim Meisel, Dek Potts, Andrew Weir & Stephen Conley #3 Top Brokers - Sales HFF NJ Team of Jose Cruz, Michael Nachamkin & Kevin O’Hearn

#1 Largest Office Sale Washington Harbour #1 Largest Multi-Family Sale 800 Madison #2 Largest Industrial Sale The Meadowlands Portfolio

#1 Top Financial Deal Washington Harbour #1 Top Mortgage Broker Cary Abod #2 Top Mortgage Broker Jim Cadranell

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