King's Business - 1961-09


You are invited to preview a Brand-New PR IM ARY COURSE This wonderful new way to teach the Bible to Primaries starts October 1 ... but you can examine all materials now. This completely new Primary Sunday School Course gives teachers greater satisfaction . . . makes Bible learning more interesting for your pupils, Of­ fers all these exciting new features: FRESH, APPEALING NEW CONTENT :. .. best-organized teacher’s book you’ve ever seen, with a remarkably simple six-step lesson plan . . . new Color ’N Do Activity Packets provide practical, lesson-related handwork that 6-to-8’s love . . . colorful visual aids that make learning more fun . . . newly im­ proved student quarterly and take-home paper. . . plus an entirely new 3- year curriculum. UN IQUE NEW “PARALLEL G R A D IN G ” PLAN gives teachers suggestions in each lesson for older and younger Primaries, allows for differences such as reading ability and handwork skills. Send for your FREE Lesson Evaluation Portfolio of this new Primary Course . . . get samples of the teacher’s book, pupil’s quarterly, take-home paper, new visual aids and handwork . . . plus a helpful “ Growing Years” booklet about Primaries. Mail coupon below. David C, Cook@ P U BL IS H IN G C O M PA NY E L G IN , I L L I N O I S

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To: David C. Cook Publishing Company, 850 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, 1 Dept. 9.4KB Please send me FREE, the complete Lesson Evaluation Portfolio for your new Primary Course. . . with all the samples and information described. Name-



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