King's Business - 1961-09

JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES What to Say When They Come to Your Door

by Arthur O. Kaul

believe in your god of hate. I believe in the Gospel, which means the good news that God loves us and cares for us. I do not believe your message of bad news. I know what the true God is like. Jesus is the true picture of what God is like. Your unreasonable god is not one bit like Jesus. Jesus went about doing good, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and Himself died for us on the cross instead of destroying us. You are an energetic person. That is commendable^ But you need to put all of your faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then be a witness for Jesus and the God of love. You should spread His good news of eternal life, here and hereafter. Thank you for calling and for being courteous enough to listen. May God bless you and convert you. By the way, here is a tract that I am sure will be helpful to you.

cannot accept your literature. You teach a cruel and unreasonable god. You teach that this god is going to sweep most of his children away in a horrible battle called Armageddon while you Witnesses stand aside and look on. I’m sure you wouldn’t like to look at such a wicked thing. Yet you make out that God is not good and kind. He destroys His own children, not because they are morally bad, but because they do not join Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you people go on preaching him, you will get to be like him §1- cruel and unreasonable. You people con­ sider this world quite hopeless, and so you leave it to perish. You make no effort to help the suffering by sup­ porting hospitals, orphanages, or other works of mercy. You take no part in seeing that we have good and honest government. I believe in the true God, the God of love, mercy, and pity. I do not

(Tpany people are confronted by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are working day and night. Perhaps they have been at your door. What can you say to them? They work within a prescribed set of Bible verses. These verses have been thoroughly memo­ rized, and most of them have been pulled out of their proper context. It is futile to argue with them. A Chris­ tian’s duty is lovingly to witness to them of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The follow ing are a few thoughts which may be helpful in your deal­ ing with them .) Y o u r z e a l is commendable. No doubt you are sincere. The fact that you have gone out of your way to see me indicates your concern. However, since you are sincere, I want to caution you that you had better be sure that what you have to tell me is the absolute, unbiased truth. Otherwise, your sincerity would only be a trap to lead me astray. I


by Vance Havner

T h e p l ig h t of many churches is summed up in the words of the father who brought his demonized boy to the disciples at the foot of the Mount of Trans­ figuration: “ I besought Thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not” (Luke 9:40). We are powerless before a demonized world. And it is not because we do not have knowledge, equipment, programs, activity, money. Never has the church had more—and less! Elisha sent Gehazi, his servant, to raise the Shunam- mite’s son. He carried the prophet’s staff and observed the prophet’s orders, but “ there was neither voice nor hearing.” Today Gehazi goes about carrying Elisha’s staff; but although he goes through the motions, the dead do not come to life. Although we say all the words, the demons do not depart. We go to extremes. We either freeze or fry. Some church services are too formal and we come out like ramrods, having mistaken spiritual rigor mortis for dig­ nity. Again, we sometimes go to the other extreme where we sit through a frenzy of evangelistic epilepsy and come out nervous, feeling more as though we had been to

a circus than to a church. Neither extreme is good. We do not have to choose between freezing or frying. Certainly most of the saints do need defrosting. One thing can stop Niagara—it can freeze! The same trouble stops many a church. Deep-freeze lockers are nothing new. We have had some on street comers with steeples on top for years. We could stand a little emotion nowadays. The World Series baseball games almost stop business in many sections of our land, so intense is the interest. If a revival so interferred with our normal processes, you would hear the complaint that we were going crazy. Indeed, that was a complaint made during the Welsh Revival. A spell of that kind of insanity would be welcome, some of us feel! The Bible is one long record of men and women who dared to be utterly ridiculous in order to prove God. Today we are afraid to prove God. We borrow the world’s program and pep and propaganda and para­ phernalia and personnel. We have developed in our Christian work the go-getter salesman type who “ goes” more than he “ gets,” hunched over tables in cafeterias “making contacts” instead of on his knees talking to God.



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