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FAVORITES The FAVORITES series has been compiled by A1 Smith and John Peterson. Each book con tains from 89 to 96 wonderful numbers, i n c l u d i n g selections for soloists, duets, and quartets.
from the editor
(continued from page 7)
sion and at the same time he has the tremendous 'advantage of having the Scofield Notes to assist him in follow ing through the great doctrines that are found in the Word of God. These notes have been of inestimable value to countless thousands of people since they first appeared. Indeed, they have proven so valuable and helpful that a committee of evangelical scholars have been brought together by the Oxford Press to make certain revisions in these notes so that they will be even more understandable and of even greater blessing to this and fu ture generations. If one desires still further aid in reading the text of the Authorized Version, he could do no better than to obtain a copy of the Amplified New Testament which is essentially a copy of the Authorized Version with many, many of the words ampli fied to present an added shade of meaning which is implied in the Greek but which is not found in any one word of the English translation. The Amplified New Testament may be read either from a devotional or practical point of view or as a refer ence work. The translation has not yet appeared which is to 'be compared in any vital way with the value of the Authorized Version.
No. ? . . . includes such tongs at: The Stranger of Galilee
When I Met My Savior
No. 2 . . . has such songs as:
He the Pearly Gates Will Open
Now I Belong to Jesus
Just Keep on Praying
No. 3 . . . includes such songs as:
NOW READY . . . No. 5 . . . includes such songs as: I Am Following Jesus Lord, Keep Your Hand on Me 5 34" x 8¡4 " Paper, each 75c
I've discovered the W ay of Gladness On a Rugged Hill
N o ; 4 .. . has such songs as: I Sing o f Thee
So Send I You
Singing I Go
Peace in the Volley
Tra in ing W i th Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited S P
Dentistry Four-month course. A p proved by State of Califor nia Board of Dental Exam iners, Department of Voca tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in m issionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab oratory work. Classes start in January.
Nursing Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora tory and hospital in struc tions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Ex amination and obtain the L V N. degree. Classes start in Septem ber and January.
S. H. SUTHERLAND, President The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
Dispensary Four-month course Gives training in laboratory anal ysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com mon ailments. Classes start in January.
All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care.
Com ing Next Month
• what's wrong • with moral • re-armament
by Dr. Louis T. Talbot
BIOLA SCHOOL OF M ISS IONARY M ED IC INE 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California
Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. THE KING'S BUSINESS
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