The Whole
c u l jr C l R I it I Q U E by Betty Bruechert T h is m o n t h , by permission, we re produce selections from an article entitled, “ The Incarnation—The Test of Truth” from the pen of Rev. C. Victor Nyquist. This message appeared in The Discerner, the fine publication of Religion Analysis Service, Inc., 902 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. “The Incarnation of the Son of God is the most important revelation in both Old and New Testaments. It embodies His pre-existence, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His presence in the glory, and His return. Therefore, to deny it or to write it off as of no consequence is to cut all moorings and to drift tragically on a sea of religious speculation and philo sophical doubt. “ Spiritism: ‘The miraculous concep tion of Christ is merely a fabulous tale.’ “Seventh-day Adventism: ‘Our Saviour took humanity, with all its liabili ties. He took the nature of man, with the possibility of yielding to temptation.’ “Mormonism: ‘Jesus Christ was not begotten of the Holy Ghost.’ “Christian Science: ‘Christian Science sees Jesus not as God but as divinity expressed in the ideal man.’ “ Unity: ‘In each of us is the Christ. . . the true self of all men.’ “Jehovah’s Witnesses: ‘When Jesus was on earth, he was a perfect man, nothing more and nothing less.’ “ Unitarianism: ‘Jesus differs from other men only in his greater capa city for life.’ “Modernism: ‘If Jesus knew of the tradition of his virgin birth, he never pressed it. After all, who should have decided between him and a number of pagan demigods and heroes for whom such a birth was claimed? It was the church that added these mundane traditions to its Gospels.’ “Roman Catholicism: ‘This church em phasizes the Incarnation of the Son of God, but eclipses the truth with an unbiblical emphasis on the Vir gin Mary to the point where they seem to be more concerned with the ‘Blessed Lady’ than with the ‘Bless ed Son’ .” c
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