personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss T wo m e n w i t h startling news burst into a room where a group of amazed men were gathered. As they started to speak, they were interrupt ed by the others who shouted, “The Lord is risen indeed arid has appeared to Simon.” The two had astonishing tidings as well as they told the story of their journey to Lmmaus. Theirs was a new discernment of the meaning of Christ’s suffering and death. He then gave the message that they should go and speak forth the same message to all people and to all nations. It would be the same mes sage through the centuries borne by other messengers to all races and peo ple. This message the same today: “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name, among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem” (Luke 24:47). Christ’s death on the cross is the remedy for our sins. Our response is repentance. Repentance means that our wrong-doing and sins are ac knowledged and that there is a readi ness and willingness to give up all sinful ways and habits. Repentance means “ right about face.” Some boys were taken into custody by the police. They were asked, “Why are you here?” Their answers were: “ Somebody ratted on me” ; “The cops railroaded me” ; and “ I didn’t plan my getaway well enough.” There was no admission of wrong doing or expression of regret for the acts for which they had been arrested. Sometimes we may be weak in our presentation of the salvation message to the lost. We may say much about the love of God and the satisfaction of the Christian life. We may actually fail to make clear how this new life in Christ is received. We must repent of our sins and receive Him as Saviour. When we repent, we have a changed attitude about our sins. We didn’t just get caught; we did wrong. We sinned against God. When we speak to someone about receiving Christ as Saviour, we should be aware that he has the deep problem of sin that must be met. It is forgiveness he needs and a new life in Christ. Does your witness or message in clude repentance and forgiveness of sin? When you witness to another person, do you tell how Christ for gave your sins? Do you give him the Gospel of a Saviour who died to take away sin?
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