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by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biela College
world newsgrams
ley and Dr. Joseph Zellat reported in the current proceedings of the Soci ety for Experimental Biology and Medicine. If the cow vims is related to a human adenovirus in the same way that cowpox virus is related to smallpox vims, there is a “ vaccine potential,” they explain. The human adenovirus to which the cow virus appears to be related is not yet iden tified. Rumanian Trials of Jews Charged A Rumanian campaign to terrorize Jews there who have shown a desire to emigrate to Israel was reported re cently in the London Times. It said reports from Rumania showed that Jews who wanted to go to Israel were being arrested and tried on charges of espionage and treason. The Times said the motive appeared to be to frighten the Jews into breaking their emotional link with Israel. “ In 1950 and 1951, when emigration of Jews was allowed, 120,000 left Rumania,” the report said, “ but at the same time Zionist leaders were arrested, tried and sentenced to varying terms. A l together about 200 were involved. Some of these people, now being re arrested and tried for the offenses for which they have already served sen tences. According to the report, “The background to the arrests in that when, toward the end of last year, the Rumanian Government sudden ly and without explanation reopened its doors to allow the departure of Jews to Israel, it was disconcerted by the large number who registered to go as well as by the strength of Arab opposition. After a few months the Government stopped the emigration, but the Jews have remained restless.” Hungary Aids Churches Hungary’s Communist Government spent $2,200,000 during the last three years on church building and restora tion, the Budapest Radio has report ed. It said this sum was in addition to the annual subsidies of $3,520,000 to the various religious bodies in the country. According to the radio sta tion, forty-four new churches were built in the last two years alone. It said that the largest share of state subsidies— $1,760,000— was received by the Roman Catholic Church, to which the majority of Hungarians belong.
Vast Water Work Finished in China
Communist China says that it com pleted construction works equivalent to “ 774 Suez Canals or 387 Great Walls” in irrigation systems and hydroelectric projects in 1958. The works amount to 76,000,000,000 cubic yards of earth work and masonry. Peiping has reported repeatedly the construction of dam and irrigation projects in addition to a myriad of minor local works in which 34,000,000 I peasants took part. There are eleven major “ water conservation” projects under construction that are partly in operation. The biggest is the Sanmen Gorge project on the Yellow River in Honan Province. It is expected to store 84,600,000,000 cubic yards of water and to be able “basically to wipe out the danger of flood in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.” Its hy droelectric power stations have a ca pacity of 1,100,000 kilowatts. Lord Parker, the Lord Chief Justice of England, said recently that Bri tain’s criminals were more skillful at their work than were the British Police at theirs. He said he had often been asked, in sentencing m en . on their first appearance in the court, to take a great many of their previous offenses into consideration. He re called that he had sentenced one man who had been found out only after his sixty-fifth offense, a n d added: “ One of the troubles I venture to think is that there is a tremendous weakness in the detection of crimi nals. The art of crime has increased faster even than the art of detection. The police are just not equipped to deal with the modem criminal.” A Virus Reservoir in Cattle Indicated A virus has been found in a cow that looks like and reacts like one of the viruses believed responsible for colds and respiratory diseases in man. . If it is identical with a human adeno virus, a team of researchers at Tem ple University School of Medicine may have pinpointed an important virus reservoir in cattle. Another possibility is the development of a vaccine against respiratory diseases. Dr. Morton Klein, Dr. Elizabeth Ear- Criminals Becoming More Clever Than Police
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