King's Business - 1961-09

ner, like you have this month, the maga­ zine becomes a real witness for Christ’s sake. Mr. Donald T. Courts, Chicago, III. I have read with interest your article on the New English Bible. I wish you would send me the complete and comprehensive report as suggested at the end of this article. I am more than amazed at the number of so-called Fundamental men who have recommended this translation. Dr. Charles R. Veittel, Pastor Otterbein Evangelical United Brethren Church, Harrisburgh, Penna. EDITORIALS BRING REACTION I have taken the liberty of mimeograph­ ing copies of your recent editorial concern­ ing the current trends in Christianity. I believe you have really struck a true note in this presentation regarding the situation in which the Church of Jesus Christ finds itself today. These are the last days. I feel we must use every opportunity we can to awaken our people to the grave situation which faces us; to work while it is yet day. Rev. John M. Berentschot, Pastor Central Baptist Church, Sacramento, Calif. APPEAL FOR SEAMEN For some time I have been receiving two copies of your splendid magazine for placing on the ships which come into the port of Boston. Your kindness has thus enabled me to place such a fine maga­ zine, with its real God-honoring messages, in the hands of men. I believé your magazine is the best as to scriptural reading matter and I’ve wondered whether it would be possible to receive at least 4 or 5 copies each month for this purpose. These magazines are given to captains, chief mates and chief engineers, and especially to any with whom I have had personal conversations, making known God’s way of salvation. The issues are not left on tables in gen­ eral reading rooms with other magazines. I value them too highly to distribute in­ discriminately. Whatever the Lord might enable you to do in helping spread mes­ sages from His precious Word in this wide open field, which covers men from about every country around the world, will be much appreciated and prayerful­ ly received. J. W. Gibb, Missionary to Seamen, Bellmont, Mass. E ditor ’ s N ote : Through gifts to THE KING’S BUSINESS “ Free Fund ” we have been able to send Mr. Gibb two copies of our magazine each month for placement on ships in the Boston harbor. Unfortun­ ately, our “ Free Fund” is now depleted and we are not able to continue this min­ istry at the present. Perhaps some of our readers, who are interested in reaching seamen with the Gospel of Christ, will want to make it possible for us to carry on such a missionary activity. Gifts to

COMM ENTS ON NEW ENGLISH BIBLE I do look forward to your fine publica­ tion each month. I was especially interested in the article: “ Observations on the New English Bible” (June, 1961). Please send me further information if possible. Mrs. Marjorie E. Wetter, Coachella, California. E ditors N ote ; Dr. Robert L. Thomas, author of this helpful article, has a com­ plete treatise on this subject available from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. You are to be commended on the excel­ lent discussion of the New English Bible in your current issue. Dr. Thomas has written the most scholarly and objective consideration of this work I have yet seen In your present issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS the article by Dr. Thomas is very disappointing to say the least. We need no new versions at all. The Kang James Version is enough. No NEB, no RSV, both of which are Satanic since they cast doubt on the virgin birth, on God’s sovereignty, on God’s grace. The NEB eliminates the word “propitiation” from the New Testament. It ignores entirely the value of the blood of Christ in 1st Peter 2:24. “ Gallows” instead of the Cross is used. How terrible! Jesus’ blood had to be poured out. Read Isaiah 53 verse 10. Christ hung on a tree not a gallows. Stand by the King James Version only and back the Scofield Reference Bible. Mr. and Mrs. Standaart, Seattle, Wash. I have just read the splendid article, “ Observations on the New English Bible,” and am much delighted at the very fair and restrained treatment with which Dr. Thomas faces the subject. I have read many Christians publications and articles dealing with some constructive criticism, so that I might form an attitude of under­ standing of what the translators wanted to get across. I must say that I was disap­ pointed in their endeavor but was willing to read what other men of greater knowl­ edge and language possibilities, etc. had to say. Your publication provided me with the deepest insight I have yet read. It was not the usual comparing of King James verses with verses in the new version and then concluding that the NEB perverted the meaning and therefore that millions will be led away from the truth. The Church of Jesus Christ will add daily the number that should be saved and the chosen of God to be His people. I conclude by saying I’ve always enjoyed reading your magazine and its wonderful features. Any time that a Christian magazine publishes a work by the “ beefsteak preacher,” Dr. Vance Hav- in print. A Reader. MORE COMM ENTS ON NEW ENGLISH BIBLE

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