Reader Reaction (continued) THE KING’S BUSINESS are tax deducti ble. When marked for the “ Free Fund!’ they go directly toward purchasing maga zines for hospitals, penitentiaries, mission stations, and armed forces headquarters. MORE ON SPECIAL POEM I still can’t forget that wonderful poem, “ An Epic of Easter” by John Woodland (KING’S BUSINESS, April, 1961), which greatly stirred my heart. It is beyond compare. We all enjoy the magazine and look forward to its arrival each month. I lend it to several friends. Miss Lulu E. Ferris, Pasadena, California. M A G A Z IN E PART OF LIBRARY W e count it a great privilege to have your, magazine come regularly to our church library. The staff members, as well as our patrons greatly appreciate your fine spiritual publication for its spiritual bless ings. In order to enhance the value of back issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS in our library, we are permanently binding them. Lois Cornwell, Librarian, Central Baptist Church, Sacramento, California. EDITORIAL COMMENTS Your editorial comment on “ The Ecu menical Movement” is too valuable to re main in just one issue for publication. As too few people, especially ministers, will see it. May I suggest that you issue it in pamphlet form. I would personally like to send it to many pastors in this Western part of the United States who need en lightenment on the true facts mentioned in your article. A. S. Shriver, Carson City, Nevada. E ditor ’ s N ote : W e do plan to publish a special booklet of a number of the recent editorials which have appeared in THE KING’S BUSINESS: Appropriate an nouncement will be made in advance of the publication date. WORD FROM A FAR OFF COUNTRY W e are very thankful to you for sending your magazine, THE KING’S BUSI NESS, regularly to us every month. We enjoy the messages given therein every bit, and we thank the Lord for keeping you in the fresh vision of Calvary. You share with us the views expressed in your editorials. The problems of modernism are very acutely felt in this country of India. First of all, the number of Christians in India is very low, and to jeopardize the growth of the church has come in the satanic devise of modernism. Some of the church members think that the salvation through the blood of Jesus is foolish doc trine. Even the Bible Seminaries in India are not free from this teaching. Every summer we take 20-40 Theology students from the village evangelism campaigns, and each year I note that a good number of students even from the so-called evan gelical seminaries are well rooted in the modernistic teachings. This is the sign of the end time. W e are thankful to the Lord for the mesages in your magazine clear ly condemning the devices of Satan and false cults. Mr. P. N. Kurien, All India Prayer Fellowship. I SEPTEMBER, 1961
Bring joy to a needy Korean orphan— See the blessing to you. For only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day — you can bring a needy boy or girl Christian love and care, food and shelter, also school tuition charged for in Korea. These children have heartbreaking stories and each longs for a loving “ Daddy and Mommie or Big Brother or Sister.” Ask a friend to be a co-sponsor, $4 each or interest your Sunday School or other Church or organization groups. Every day these children are taught the Bible, sing Christian songs and earnestly pray. They all attend Church and Sunday School and are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. What a wonderful opportunity to bring up a child to be a Christian leader in Korea. Victims of Tragedy Mrs. Kim, an orphanage superintendent, recently wrote, “ This Yungkwan area is where so many innocent people were killed by the Communists during the war. Many thousands were drowned in the sea and other thousands killed while trying to escape the bombardment from both sides. What a tragic scene it was when the ghastly battle was over! This left countless orphans. Daily they come to our Home asking for care. I cannot reject them for they would have to wander and starve. Please consider our desperate need for sponsors.” The orphan you select will know you are his or her sponsor. You get the child’s picture, life story and mailing address. You can write or send parcels any time you wish. Replies are prompt and in English. Sponsors are THBILLED and BLESSED with this personal contact. New sponsors are desperately needed to take in many more desolate children wandering the streets. Save these Children —
THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K-9 Chicago 31, III. i------------------------------------------CLIP AND MAIL T O D A Y -------------------------------------------v □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. M y choice is Number ............... If this child has already been “ adopted,” I I | agree to support another whom you will select. W ith God’s J ■ help I will send $8 a month to your office.Please let me have . m y child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for ' □ first month, □ full year. SEND FU LL PARTICULARS. I I D I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $_______ J j □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean i Orphans.” I Name ______________ _______________________..............._............. j Address ____________________ ,,,, ..._____________1_______....___ __________ I J City .p --------- ------------------------------------ Zone - ___ State __________________ J ■ Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. I The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. i An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation j | Dept. K-9, 4848 No. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III., GL 6-6181 |
The ESEA is caring for over 9000 orphans, children of lepers and war widows. Its work is known widely because its messages have gone out month after month in various ways including publicity in this and numerous religious and secu lar magazines. It serves more than 11 million meals each year. Help us expand our 99 Homes. Each one is a Chris tian institution with Bible-be- lieving Staff and Board mem bers. Korea’s severe winter will soon be on. Help us take many more ragged, forsaken children off the streets and into our Homes. Write or phone NOW !
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