by William Ward Ayer
T h e l a s t few years has seen an upsurge of religious interest in the United States but as yet there is nothing that could be called true revival in America. Many are boasting today about America’s new religi osity—but look at today’s picture. In 1850 only 16% of the population were recorded on church membership rolls. By 1961 the percentage had risen to 80%. Under these circumstances one would think that America would show some signs of being a highly moral place to live, and that she would be giving high moral leadership to the world. Such is not the case. The percentage of crime is higher than ever before. Sadism and brutality of the lowest order abound. Suicides are on the increase. Divorces and multiplied marriages were never so common. Juvenile delinquency has become Public Enemy No. 1. From 1776 to 1926 the United States was considered to be a Christian nation. Our founding fathers were almost all Christians. The fundamental law of the land was Bible-based. There is a great show of religiosity in the government today, but the Chief Executive in his public prayers fails to mention Jesus Christ, and the Supreme Court rules religion out of the public schools. What kind of religion is this that has taken hold of America? What are its moral principles? Who is its god? Its god is not the God of the Bible. Its god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many of the churches are creating a new god for the masses—one that fits their carnal desires better than the exacting God of the Bible. What insidious forces are undermining the true Chris tian faith in America? Who are responsible for creating the new god before whom the masses are worshipping? So-called “ Liberals” in the American churches, colleges SEPTEMBER, 1961
and theological seminaries are guilty. They have wrecked the faith of men in the sure foundations. They advocate an “ inclusive” church membership— saved and unsaved—and are promoting an “ inclusive” ecumenicity, without the Christ of the New Testament. Their church programs have no place for prayer meetings but call for dances, bridge and cocktail parties. The beguiled majority do not seem to have the courage to stand up for their American heritage, and to contend for its preservation. They have been beguiled into a belief that all men are brothers—regardless of their relationship to the true and living God of the Holy Scriptures—the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Without firm foundations in Biblical truth and right eousness, the beguiled majority are victims of men who compromise, turn comers, sidestep and avoid every issue they think will bring unpleasantness. Their god is, as one movie star puts it, “A Living Doll.” This god sees only good in all men. He is blind to their sins. He guarantees life and happiness to all. Heaven? It is here now! they say. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die! Unless ministers and evangelists who know the truth get some Holy Ghost courage and moral backbone and stand up and expose this soul-destroying philosophy and the leaders who are promulgating it, there will never be a revival of pure and aggressive Christianity. Nay, these false teachings will prosper under the very evangelism that has not courage enough to point them out and when evangelistic meetings are over, the emis saries of religious falseness will be entrenched in a new respectability and be stronger than ever with the multi tudes. We must get back to the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures, the One alone who has the power to turn America and the world upside down! 9
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