C+S August 2020 Vol. 6 Issue 8

curves and contours of the adjacent shoreline. The trail needed to accommodate traffic from pedestrians, bikes, small vehicles, and equestrians. The GEOWEB Soil Stabilization System with a well-graded, decomposed granite infill met these requirements. This infill material was readily available in the area, though any stone is acceptable as long as it is angular and promotes good drainage. Tendons & Anchors Secure Sections Against Potential Uplift Due to the high water table and lake level fluctuations, additional steps were taken to protect against potential uplift of the system. During installation, the contractors ran a series of polyester tendons through the GEOWEB panels and anchored them at regular intervals across each section. The use of tendons in conjunction with the stone infill material helped anchor the system, thereby providing resistance to buoyant forces that could otherwise uplift and deform the trail surface in response to elevated water table conditions This practice is recommended in wet environments with saturated soils. Permeable Surface InfiltratesWater, Reduces Runoff and Ponding Trails built with the GEOWEB system support green infrastructure initiatives because they do not disrupt the water cycle or impact the groundwater flow. No additional stormwater infrastructure is necessary when the trail surface is permeable, so there is minimal impact on the surrounding environment. The result was a stabilized, clean trail, suitable for a variety of traffic without needing constant maintenance. The path is clearly delineated while maintaining a natural aesthetic. Design Support & Resources for Recreational Trail Design The engineering team at Presto Geosystems works closely with civil engineers, offering free project evaluation ser- vices and on-site support for recreational trails and embankments.



august 2020

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