Herbage Mix No 10 Haylage Maker (good winter hardiness) A medium term Haylage mix to produce abundant quality forage for general horse hay. (For racehorse hay a mix of No. 1 and No. 2 should be used.) This mix also provides excellent full ground cover. • Medium term hay production • Quality forage for farm livestock with good fibre content
• Excellent persistence • Good winter hardiness • Good ground cover Suggested sowing rate 14kg/ac 4KG
Meribel IRG Gemini Tet IRG Kirial Hybrid
Solid/Rusa Hybrid Herbage Mix No 11 Early Hay (suitable for winter damaged paddocks) This mix contains some early perennial ryegrass together with Timothy to produce high quality hay for livestock year after year. Once cut it will provide quality late summer and autumn grazing Pack Size: 12kg per acre 2KG Nui Early PRG 1.5KG Nifty Intermediate PRG 2KG Calibra Intermediate PRG (t) 2KG Twymax Late PRG (t) 2KG Cancan Late PRG 1.5KG Red Fescue 1KG Timothy Herbage Mix No 12 Grazing Paddock Specially formulated for horse paddocks to provide a hard-wearing stand and balanced grazing. Red fescue and smooth stalked meadow grass create a strong base to the sward helping to reduce poaching. We can also offer a ryegrass free mixture for laminitics and herbs for diversity. Pack Size: 12kg per acre 2.25KG Nui Early PRG 2KG Nifty Intermediate PRG 2KG Toddington Late PRG 2KG Twymax Late PRG (t) 2KG Red Fescue 1.5KG Timothy 0.25KG Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass These mixes (10,11 &12) will last approx. 5 years with correct management.
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