Herbage booklet

Overseeding/ Renovation mix This mix contains fast growing species, and with the use the larger tetraploid seed, gives it the ability to cope with competing with the existing ley. Sow at 10kg/acre 5KG Hybrid Ryegrass 2.5KG Intermediate Tet PRG 2.5KG Early PRG Herbage Mix No 13 Lamintic’s Mix A natural meadow mix with herbs that will help reduce the risk of Laminitis, as it does not contain the bulk of perennial ryegrass which is one of the main causes. Additionally, it provides vital vitamins and minerals for the animals in a natural form. Sowing Rate: 13.5Kg per acre 5KG Timothy 2.5KG Meadow Fescue 1.5KG Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass 3KG Strong Creeping Red Fescue 1KG Chewings Fescue 0.5KG Mixed Herbs Herbal Ley Designed to produce quality forage with a diverse range of species, including grasses, herbs and legumes. Suitable for cutting or grazing. Sown at 13kg per acre. 0.5KG Tall Fescue 1KG Meadow Fescue 2KG Festulolium 0.5KG Cocksfoot 1KG Late Dip PRG 1KG Int Tet PRG 1KG Mixed Herbs 0.3KG Lucerne 2.5KG Sainfoin 1KG Red Clover 1KG Timothy 1KG White Clover 0.2KG Birdsfoot Trefoil

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